RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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sith lord 456 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:36:00)

hi guys. i am at 31k/50k. can anyone tell me the best dungeon to find treasure chest? thx

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:36:39)

Undead Dungeon is where I do my farming and it works wonders. Currently got 358K :)

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:37:37)

@sith: Undead Dungeon IMO.
Taurus almost 18. Argh, once I'm done with him I'll do more casual farming.

sith lord 456 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:37:45)

thanks. i will get on it once i check out aqw release:)

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:37:49)


Whoever doesn't have VK level 20 is losing a awesome life *Looks at EvilOverlord and Andlu's VKs* Mwhahahaha

*Completely forgot Axel*

@JJ Do you have any X-boost?

JJ55$ -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:38:28)

@Axel Nope, free player. You?

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:39:46)

To anyone needing farming music, I've been using this:
It's awesome xD

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:40:26)

@JJ Yeah I have 10 lifetime and I'm already 1/4 of the way through lvl 19 .-. so I only need like 30 or so battles

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:41:26)

Getting 10 lifetime boosts is so tempting...but I will resist! D:<

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:42:00)


Whoever doesn't have VK level 20 is losing a awesome life *Looks at EvilOverlord, Axel and Andlu's VKs* Mwhahahaha

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:42:52)

is it me or does berserker max seem to be modeled after gutts from berserk?

EDIT: which is an amazing manga/anime BTW.

almanac01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:43:04)

Good morning everyone!

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:43:18)

>.> Can anyone tell me why a bunch of the masters have a shed load of 2 attacks? The Maggot got WEAKER! And besides, it should've turned into a monstrous/fiendinsh/demonic fly rather than turning into a bloodthirsty Maggot that costs SGs.

And IMO, Vamp Knight should be the vet form of Vamp LORD and should also be FREE.

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:43:24)


Vertigo beast: *Looks at My ninja that was lvl 17 and Killed Evil Overlord's lvl 20 VK* What was that @Andlu? Oh and remember this: Almost lvl 19 now >:D Mwahahahaha

Ninja ftw!

Just for you Andlu. In case ya didnt see my post last page.

So close to Max Storm, I can almost feel the electricity! But dinner time probably sooner! D:

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:44:18)


>.> Can anyone tell me why a bunch of the masters have a shed load of 2 attacks? The Maggot got WEAKER! And besides, it should've turned into a monstrous/fiendinsh/demonic fly rather than turning into a bloodthirsty Maggot.

IKR! So disappointed :(

JJ55$ -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:44:37)

@Axel You have a pretty high chance of beating me to 20 then.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:46:42)

Maggot's been optimized for a stall-burn strategy. It now has moderate attack, hight DoT potential, and the ability to heal. The low attack cards are to leave you open to use Life Drain much more often.

Max Storm is a character focused on spamming 3-hit combos and using Storm. The addition of more low powered attack cards also make Energize easier to use.

There is no excuse for Vampire Knight though. He just plain disappoints, trading in a Shield for an extra Empower, and gaining 3 more low-powered attack cards.

Good morning! Happy farming/evolving new characters!

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:48:40)

@Beck NOooo. >.< I'm keeping my MAGGOT. And besides, it lost those 5 attacks that I use for finishers AND costs SGs(IMO should also be free) >.<

There is no excuse for Vampire Knight though.

True, true. He just plain sucks and is much more duller looking than Vamp Lord.

Now I wish Pike Gen had a legend [:)]

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:51:36)

@JJ I get distracted easily and I have aqw stuff to do so it's still possible for you to get there first

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:52:01)

Level 10 Sword Apprentice!

*Goes to evolve into Max Storm*
Character tree: "Locked! HAHA!"
Me: "...Nooooooooooooooooooo!"

almanac01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:52:42)

How does sellback work? I have a few accidental SG'd characters.

Neara -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:52:56)

1 thing i think people keep forgetting about characters in oversoul is that their are the possibility of other 4 other master forms

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:53:32)

Sellback is limited to only Vergil and Witch Boss right now. For those guys, click the X in the character page. You can only see the X on those 2's pages.
So I hear.

Leader -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:54:45)

@almanaca, It only works for the BOSS monsters - it's just a test at the moment, and isn't fully or properly functioning yet!

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/1/2013 19:59:06)

@Beck I can't see the X on my witchblade boss.

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