=ED= Patch Notes - 1.5.4 - March 1, 2013 (Full Version)

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ReinVI -> =ED= Patch Notes - 1.5.4 - March 1, 2013 (3/1/2013 19:59:46)


March 01, 2013
Patch Notes - 1.5.4

  • New Cores
    • Nanosteel Armor
      • Decreases the ignored defense of incoming Critical Strikes by 8%
    • Plasma Meteor
      • Disintegrate an enemy with cosmic debris, increasing weapon damage by 110%
    • Dead Battery
      • Due to some last minute issues that came up with this core it wasn't quite ready for today. We plan to have them resolved by next week's update.

    • Your current item now remains selected when equipping and unequipping items

    • New Concussive Shot animation

    • Websites are now filtered in chat



  • Primary, Gun, Auxiliary damage
    This change is designed to help with weapon damage on builds with very high amounts of a single stat. For more details see the final section of the Patch Notes labeled "Diminishing Returns."
    • The amount of stats you need per point of damage has increased. This will be most noticeable in builds with more than 85 points in Strength or Support.

  • Base Energy
    We felt that characters were getting too much free energy, preventing the need to stat for it. This change is a first step for helping with this.
    • Base Energy increases by 1 every 5 levels, from 1 every 2 levels
    • This will decrease base Energy at level 35 by 10


  • Bloodlust
    • Increased lifesteal by 4% at all levels

  • Malfunction
    This change brings Malfunction in line with Smoke Screen. Malfunction was stronger to account for the old, faster scaling of Resistance.
    • Technology debuff lowered by 3 at all levels

  • Fireball
    • Energy cost lowered by 2 at all levels

  • Plasma Bolt
    This skill was doing a bit too much damage for the cost, and the lack of a requirement allowed Tech Mages to overperform at low levels.
    • Energy cost increased by 2 at all levels
    • Added Strength requirement (15 - 33 depending on level)

  • Defense Matrix
    This skill was providing a bit too much defense on Support builds without needed to put many points into it
    • Gains an extra point of defense every 4.5 Support, up from 4

These cores were giving a bit more free power than intended. These changes are designed to bring them more in line.

  • Azrael's Will
    • Lowered damage on use from 100% to 85%

  • Azrael's Torment
    • Lowered damage on use from 100% to 85%

  • Massive Strike
    • Lowered defense ignore from 15% to 10%


  • Changed Mercenary Power Armor name to Metal Marine. Tech Mage Power Armor unchanged.
  • Fixed discrepancies in skill details between level 0 and level 1
  • Name changes were not being reflected in the Gold Yeti Leaderboard
  • Stat required could incorrectly show up red in battle under certain circumstances

NOTE: Diminishing Returns

For those unaware, there is a system in place to make stats less effective as they pass certain thresholds (55 stats, and again at 85 stats). For example, in the last update, you needed 4.5 Strength to get 1 point of weapon damage. After reaching 55 Strength, you would then need 5.5 Strength to get each extra point of damage. Finally, after 85 Strength, you would need 6.5 Strength per point of damage.

So the “diminishing returns” of Primary and Gun damage was (4.5 → 5.5 → 6.5). In this patch, the diminishing returns for Primary, Gun, and Auxiliary damage was changed to (4.5 → 6 → 8). This means that builds with less than 85 points in a single stat will see at most a small change in damage, while those with more than 85 points in Strength / Support may see a more noticeable drop in their Primary / Gun / Aux damage.

Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes

Tagged. - SMGS

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:01:46)

I love how they explain everything except the random buff to bloodlust.

legion of souls -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:03:29)


I love how they explain everything except the random buff to bloodlust.

This ^

And thank goodness for the Azreal nerf. But i don't really care as I have found a way to counter them. Oh well, better late than never,

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:04:06)

I thoroughly like this update :D
Very good ED
Nerfed exactly what needed nerfing
And my bloodlust got a lovely little bonus :D

I very much appreciate this patch

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:04:25)

This looks great. The nerfs on Azraels Will and support that I wanted are here. :)

@Giras @legion of souls
They didnt explain the buff to fireball either.. although that one is a little self-explanatory, fireball was way UP compared to bolt.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:05:12)

I feel ripped off that azrael cores were nerfed, given that enhancements in delta were about 3x cheaper and unfair than the azrael cores were. Aside from that, I feel that a lot of the balance changes were necessary. I hate how they buffed blood lust and didn't touch reroute when reroute suffered the most since Omega got released. Also, BMs and BHs have a way higher win rate than support mercs, and this is infuriating that the only motive behind this was because of the fact that too many people were ranting unreasonable about something that was never overpowered, and that it was being unfair to other tournament participants, rather than ranting about how the tournament itself was unfair in many ways.

ReinVI -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:05:16)

but why did they buff blood lust? there's no reasoning for this.. now BH will probably gain the upperhand... tank BH ? massacre.. etc etc

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:06:30)

BHs have many skills that rely on Strike (blockable) so this helps them. Strike = Strength but diminishing returns will affect them. BMs are the same really.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:07:41)

I think nerfing insanely high strength and support is a good idea. Those builds simply should not work. They require no strategy and even experienced players must rely on luck to beat them.

Darkoake445 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:08:06)

I was a non support/caster Tech Mage and this is still a huge blow to the Tech Mage nation.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:08:19)

As for the Bloodlust, I'll just appreciate the little extra health, still gonna be 5 focus

button33 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:09:22)

And why is bloodlust buffed? BH will be running around with 150 hp and 70 str, and with all the health recovered, it will be impossible to kill.

I also feel ripped off that The weapons were nerfed... At least make them 90%....

Demon Emperor -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:10:07)

And what about BMs? Now we have a chance.

Same. Keeping my 5-focus, hopefully itll work a little better now.

ReinVI -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:10:39)

I'm just irritated that they release a skill core that counters the infernal interdictors core... and nerf the infernal core at the same time -.- now with this nerf people using the new core will
only recieve +2% extra damage.. where the heck is there any use of that? it's essentially made the infernal weapon useless

kosmo -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:11:06)

Feeling better lol.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:11:45)

Servers are already back on! It feels so fast after waiting for the Omega server update a month ago.

ThePriest -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:12:44)

Buff to bloodlust ??? (Do not know whether to laugh or cry)

Azrael's Will
Lowered damage on use from 100% to 85%
Azrael's Torment
Lowered damage on use from 100% to 85%

Really hope that gold yeti is something extra now.
Then I both bought Omega weapon that was not anything super good.
But was pleased with this package when I thought I got value for my $ 100.
Though I do not think anymore ....
The last time I buy a package now ......
If not now it turns out that gold yeti is special in some way.
In addition to being gold. When you spend $ 100 ....
I'm not happy for nerf ......

I expect gold yeti is something special now except gold!
$ 100 wasted otherwise.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:14:37)


BH will be running around with 150 hp and 70 str, and with all the health recovered, it will be impossible to kill.

This is so true. High HP bounty hunter has always been overpowered because they can rely on high HP and massacre, rather than sheer amount of strength. This build was already at risk of becoming OP with these balance changes, even not considering the completely random buff to bloodlust.

All because a bunch of newbs complain on the forums that bloodlust should have the same % as reroute because they completely fail to understand the mechanics of the game.

Is this really supposed to be equality? How are defensive classes with Plasma, Mineral, and Hybrid armor supposed to keep up with friggin 27% bloodlust?!

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:14:39)


I also feel ripped off that The weapons were nerfed... At least make them 90%....

>implying game revolves around you and players should get killed, because paying = being able to be OP. (which is a no, Rabble has already stated it)


Is this really supposed to be equality? How are defensive classes with Plasma, Mineral, and Hybrid armor supposed to keep up with friggin 27% bloodlust?!

Read DNs carefully. Diminishing returns on Support and Strength are even bigger, thus lower damage thus defence is worth more (since they cannot abuse for high damage AND get through tanks).

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:19:24)

@trans: coming from your quote on azrael's gear, it was like that all through delta, from what I recall (and gamma, and beta (not so much in beta)). A nerf is definitely reasonable, but 85% is a massive nerf which pretty much destroyed all previous 2v2 build creation when the multi-hit attacks were nerfed in a similar manner.

RabbleFroth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:19:50)

I had considered explaining everything in the DNs, but figured I would just explain the most contentious changes.

The buff to Bloodlust was to help both Blood Mages in general and counteract all the indirect damage drops that have happened to Bounty Hunters.

legion of souls -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:22:43)


The buff to Bloodlust was to help both Blood Mages in general and counteract all the indirect damage drops that have happened to Bounty Hunters.

Just tried bloodlust. Very nice!

master x guardian -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 20:34:27)

If Blood Lust got a buff, shouldn't Frenzy have gotten one too?
I mean old Blood Lust did 23% at Max and it's passive so over two turns you get 46% strike damage worth of HP back. Frenzy was 42% at level 5 and is an active skill. Not so bad but now Tact Mercs also do less damage AND blood lust now heals 54% at Max whereas Frenzy is still 42% at level 5. In fact, Max Blood Lust gives almost as much HP over 2 turns as one Frenzy does at Max (54% vs. 57%).
I think Frenzy needs a buff considering Blood Lust gives almost as much over 2 turns without costing anything and Frenzy can only be used every 3 turns AND for a cost.

priest_hidan -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.5.4 - March 1, 2013 (3/1/2013 21:07:01)

EMP Grenade... requires 13 energy... steals 43. With decrease in energy and increase in bloodlust... bounty hunters are really strong now. energy steal should be changed.

sky222 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.4 (3/1/2013 21:07:42)

So now with mercs left with;
a bad str build since HA now needs sup
a bad sup build since aux+multi was all they had and now with this nerf its a crucial fifth or so of dmg gone from aux. They only have ~70% winrate b4 90% tops, and now it's like 65% tops
a bad tank build since they have no ep regain
I really hope caster merc still works but I doubt it; caster stats were already stretched to a near breaking point and now they have 10 stats less

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