Goony -> RE: The Fix to first strike chance is simple as this (3/1/2013 22:14:34)
both players attack at same time Interesting concept, but highly unlikely as this would create so many new animations needed to cater for the combinations... While Nightwraith is a wonderful animator and the ingame actions bring life to the games characters, I think this would likey send him over the edge! What happens if you both die on the same turn? lol :p Rabblefroth can modify the 1st strike formula, but I'll just state some of the limitations. Firstly the brief for the calculation was that it was meant to be simple and easy to explain. quote:
From a base of 50%, gain +1.5% chance to go first for each point of Support you have over your opponent, and +5% for each level under your opponent. So, the simplified equation looks something like this: firstStrikeChance = 50 + ((opponentLevel - yourLevel) * 5)) + ((opponentSupport - yourSupport) * 1.5)) The reason it's modified by 1.5 and not 1 is that support would have little effect determining first strike for lower level players as a 50 support difference is not possible until around level 20+... To modify the equation so that it has an effect at all levels is simple in itself, but just makes the explanation harder! e.g. taking the 1.5 modifier and converting it to scale by level makes the second part of the equation: ((yourSupport - opponentSupport) * (1.5 - (yourlevel / 50))) The lower levels would remain unaffected since 1 / 50 = 0.02 and modifier becomes 1.48, but at higher levels 35 / 50 = 0.7 and the modifier would be 0.8 or a 62 support difference instead of 34 difference to reach the max first strike advantage. The issue is complexity of equations and ease of understanding, so I would ask the community! Would you prefer to understand the game equations or have them function better? P.S. I hope the equations are right and it is easy enough to understand the logic!