Lower Lvls Vs Higher Lvls? (Full Version)

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sebagabithunder -> Lower Lvls Vs Higher Lvls? (3/2/2013 21:52:01)

Ok Im a lvl 33 and everyday when I 1v1 I keep versin level 35's and its impossible to level up and especially i sometimes vs lower lvls however the lower lvls I beat i feel bad for them because they are lower ranked and im a lvl 33 beatin them so i was hoping if you way switch it up you know maybe vs ppl 1 level up or lower than me so it can be fairer for all of us

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Lower Lvls Vs Higher Lvls? (3/2/2013 22:06:04)

in omega lower levels is just as powerful as higher levels, so i don't really see how that is a problem, i even got beaten by a level 33 at the start of omega.
try 2v2 if you find it hard.

Basicball -> RE: Lower Lvls Vs Higher Lvls? (3/2/2013 22:41:24)

Hiyas sebagabithunder,

TRizZzCENTRINO is right. Nowadays, your level doesn't nearly matter as much as it did before.
2 levels is like what? 10 stats and 1 dmg on 1 weapon? that's nothing, really. A bit of strategy can easily overcome that. Especially if you take into account the 5% bonus you're getting for each lvl you're lower than your opponent. That's worth more than a few stat points in itself as well.

~ Basicball

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