Epic Omega Fights (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 1:03:57)

So theres alot of balance probs in omega, but I got a question for you. Have you had a SERIOUSLY epic fight in omega that made you long for another one? If you did, tell me about your experience. And has it ever with you fighting the OP build or a stat spammer?

Remorse -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 1:59:03)

Every time I come into battle with someone original and not a boring power spammer such as massacre CH's and support mercs, I have an awesome battle.

Omega battles are definitely one of the best since beta.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 2:07:57)

I had one best fight in Omega.

It was in 2v2. After I killed the enemy and Comical killed my ally. We had the best fight. There was no luck, no crits, no deflects. But comical kept blocking me since I had shadow arts. The best fight for me was vs comical.

Drianx -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 2:52:06)

No I haven't. All of them were extremely predictable, no matter if I won or lost.

Because it's the build that fights, not the skill. There is no room for improvising or originality.

friend18 -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 2:57:16)

^I personally preferred the last Delta, albeit with less powerful bots like the Infernal Android... I won a LOT of fights using a balanced build. Sure, the fights took forever, but I enjoyed actually having to strategize, since I was going for a high win ratio.

tehwutdude -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/4/2013 5:25:46)

Oh YES. The current balance update brings less spammers so Atm I LoVe omega.I had a battle with someone lasting 25 rounds and neither if us had that Oped android (imagine that damage after 25 rounds o.O) and for once luck didn't jump in and ruin everything like it always does. That was the best battle I've ever had since beta. I lost in the end, but I died with dignity and integrity that I died how I was meant to die, by strategy and intellect. NOT this brainless stat spamming.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/5/2013 0:28:55)

All the skill cores in the hands of me and another defensive mastermind. Absolutely fantastic.

Probably my favorite matches are against Buffet Girl, a player who will incessantly heal themselves over and over again while slowly chipping away at my HP.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/5/2013 1:09:28)


Lol you're like the boss battle to every stupid build I make

overloaded strength: u kill me

Overloaded Support: I win by luk

EPIC dex + ovrrloaded resistance with multi: you're the first and only guy creaming this build

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/5/2013 1:12:49)

^Whats your name in game?

Matt 1000, Y0GEN, Skynet, and Punkki are all very smart and tough players I have to fight a lot cause we're all competing in GYT and can play at the same time of night.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/5/2013 1:24:32)

Decepticon Feedbak

You should be able to remember my epic dex build xD

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/6/2013 0:21:34)

Drianx makes a point; the build does the winning and fighting, not the skill. Since everyone is equal in terms of stats now and any build can be copied even with different weapons, there's a lot more build copiers. Also, the luck factors play a huge impact in Omega and are over the roof with luck cores and overall just make luck decide the winner, rather than skill. My supertank 75 HP focus merc is a very good build in both 1v1 and 2v2, and it's one of the few builds that I've managed to create which actually requires skill and less luck to win with. I get around an 85%+ win rate with it in both 1v1 and 2v2. Strangely enough, while focus builds really lack any creativity in terms of constructing the build, they're the types of builds that require the most skill in order to use.

gangster a -> RE: Epic Omega Fights (3/6/2013 7:28:17)

i was fighting a tank tac merc and i was a cyber and it looked like i was going to lose until i made a risky move by using plasma grenade and i stunned him and raged with my bot and won.

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