RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:47:04)

@Beck: Not quite, the green lizard still eludes me.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:47:07)

Now just PD and Cosmoma left, and from you said , Beck, PD sounds pretty good.

Tally -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:47:31)

Once I find Cosoma...I shall have them all.
@Above Yes, yes it is. Trust me.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:48:39)

Yes, as Tally as proven to me, multiple times, Poison Drake is pretty damn amazing.
You've converted me Tally! Now I want my very own Drake too!

Tally -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:50:28)

Yesss, join me >D
We Drakes will rule this land again

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 21:59:14)

Wait wait wait,one word and one word only rats.well i jsut won this contest and argument well end of discussion.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:08:23)

I have an army of chickencows that would like to dispute that claim Labyth... Or rather, they will when they find their way into this universe.

I'm after da Drake too, 12 encounters so far. No possessions.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:12:11)

Army of chicken cow tell me wich animal passes diseases and infestation come in number of plagues the secret of the rat its in it plagues BwauHahahahahahahha

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:13:37)

Ninjas shall take you all by surprise. You'll never see them coming, and once they've struck they're going to make sure their code isnt put in game so you can't find them!

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:14:57)

Last time i heard in any AE game ninjas are scared of cats and look at this KITTY HAS NO CRAP ON ME
but then again rats come in numbers and we are hard to kill cause of so many also we have our secret weapon.


so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:15:04)

I'd say we had a god on our side but I sacrificed him to take over the chickencow race.

EDIT: I don't remember hat. I remember werewolves being scared of cats though.

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:16:26)

Nowhere does it say this in OverSoul. And OverSoul is a new place, with new characters, new ideas, and new fears. Ninjas here, fear nothing! >:O

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:19:12)

I admit that is menacing, but it will not stop my goal of a Ninja takeover.

Tally -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:21:51)

I'm a poison breathing dinosaur with wings, kinda. Rawr.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 22:22:26)

yeAH we are bribing tally kinds with cheese althought not sure about tally.

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:01:27)

*Sitting on top of the TARDIS looking down on the board, raising an eyebrow*

Having fun guys? :P

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:03:24)

YES WE ARE, actaully i snuck couple of rat in ur tardis so i can keep track in what you do.Last time you came out i put some in your pockets and under the robe and some snuck in when you openeded the tardis door.

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:07:19)

Pretty sure the Dalcat got them

A Dalek cat is so useful!

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:08:49)

i train my rat to kill cats and eat them

Darkstardust1234 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:41:16)

Good game with Beck :P
Who knew an ice beetle could be so annoying >.>

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:46:29)

:D It was fun being crushed by you! I made you use like 5 Greater Heals! That's not bad for a little bug.

Wow! Poison Drake sure plays smoothly! When I get Ironhide too early, I can usually ditch it with Empower, and then whenever I get a Neutralize, next hand comes Ironhide! What a swell Drake! So cooperative.
Unlike other critters. Yes, I'm looking at YOU, Fish Face! *angry fist shake* It's always, "oh, you wanted to heal/shield? Well how about some Refreshes instead! Weeeee!!! I'm going to lose to the AI just because I CAN!"
Worst waste of 30k ever!

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/5/2013 0:05:01)


Don't feel too bad, Lord Beck's Ice Beetle once made me use a whopping 7 greater heals.

Remember that, Beck?


Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/5/2013 0:11:34)

If you are here, know this that i hate* you for stealing PD over me. [:(] I was supposed to make PD my another main shadow character because he is so AWESOME and strong! Furthurmore, he is a DRAGON although he is a drake as well. Why, Tally, why? [:(] I am going to be the king of DRAGONS and Knights.

Edit: *note*
Please note that I am just faking and i am glad you make PD look so awesome. [:D] This is the strength of the DRAGON.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/5/2013 0:16:22)

Not particularly?
All my fights of Ice Beetle vs. Founder Champion/Father Time kind of make me devolve into: "Oh gawd oh gawd ShieldShieldShield ahhhh Blessed Holy Strike?! Stap hitting me oh snaps FreezeFreezeFreeze Ahhhhh Ice Beetle why you 5-Hit combo now?! AHHH WHERE ARE MY SHATTERZ?! oh thank gawd Shatter ok ok stall until I can Ice Orb c'mon c'mon NOOOOOO Greater Heal WHYWHYWHY?????!!!!1!"
...and then I die xD

Tally converted me. I needed a Shadow Main anyway, and after getting crushed by that beast so many times, I might as well join them!

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/5/2013 0:18:58)

8 levels to go!

Taurus shall be mine!

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