Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/4/2013 23:46:29)
@Darkstardust :D It was fun being crushed by you! I made you use like 5 Greater Heals! That's not bad for a little bug. EDIT: Wow! Poison Drake sure plays smoothly! When I get Ironhide too early, I can usually ditch it with Empower, and then whenever I get a Neutralize, next hand comes Ironhide! What a swell Drake! So cooperative. Unlike other critters. Yes, I'm looking at YOU, Fish Face! *angry fist shake* It's always, "oh, you wanted to heal/shield? Well how about some Refreshes instead! Weeeee!!! I'm going to lose to the AI just because I CAN!" Worst waste of 30k ever!