The Death of Creative Builds (Full Version)

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Renegade Reaper -> The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 18:37:03)

Unfortunately, with the advent of Omega, creative builds are being punished even more than usual. This is unfortunate, as the whole point of Omega was to try to make things better. However, diversity is practically non-existent. With every update, players change to the latest OP build and/ or class. We really shouldn't have to switch classes/ builds just to be able to compete against our opponents. We should be able to pick a class we like and be able to hold our own against other classes, even when a new update is newly live. No single class should be able to dominate every other class. Now I know that Omega is basically in Alpha phase, but its been a while since Omega came out now. Something should have changed/ evolved to make this game better by now.
The advent of support mercenaries could have been avoided by simply adding a strength requirement to Artillery Strike, rather than going off the deep end and nerfing the entire support stat. Perhaps having an extra turn of cooldown on Artillery Strike could have helped as well...
In your opinions, which phase was the most balanced? I personally think that Beta was balanced, except for mercenaries, but that was because they were the only class with armor at that time. Beta was also before the advent of enhancements, which, in my opinion was the first great mistake the developers made. Enhancements gave far too much power to varium players. I AM glad that they were removed from the game. HOWEVER, the new system of upgrades has destroyed creativity in Epic Duel. Players have very few effective build types to choose from now, from what I've seen so far anyways.
Anyways, discuss which phase was your favorite, and why it was your favorite. I liked Beta because I, as a non-varium player, was still able to have a great win percentage. Battles were actually fun in Beta times. I wasn't around for Alpha phase unfortunately, so I don't have an opinion on that development phase. Gamma phase was fun. Delta phase was decent.

Mother1 -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 18:43:10)

I said it before and I will say it again.

Creativity will never come first with the masses. Winning is what comes first to them and the masses would sooner use an OP build that give them wins then be creative and use a build only to possibly lose.

Another problem with balance is that they never seem to think of the consequences of changing something and just do it. I might be wrong with that, but there have been times people point out these problems before hand or problems with that current ability but choose to do it anyways.

For me since I am a delta baby I still say delta was the best for me since compared to omega Delta was more balanced imo.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 18:47:05)

all other phases were more balanced than omega

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 18:48:09)

I have usually tried to change away from it...
When I was TM at the beginning, I changed to BH
Now apparently BH is OP... So I'm going to BM, but just wait, BM will be next on the list of OP classes ._.

master x guardian -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 19:04:39)

Personally, I don't think balance was ever really good in this game. Arguably, Beta was the best phase because it lacked enhancements and such but the balance at the time wasn't too amazing either. I think what made Beta favorable to most people is the fact that despite some balance issues, most people were willing to try to be creative with other builds and such and the game seemed like such a more tight-knit community. I remember factions actually kinda meant something in that phase and I enjoyed the game immensely because most of my friends were quite active. Now, EpicDuel is filled with less friendly and creative people and Omega's inherently bad balance only serves to agitate the masses.

For me, Beta was the best, hands down. Gamma and Delta were kind of the same in my boat. Omega, I believe has the potential to transcend Beta's level of amazingness but for now, it stands as the worst phase.

DunkThatOreo -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 19:28:00)

^What this guy said

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/4/2013 20:50:51)

I never played Alpha and Beta but I was quite comfortable with Delta, my only problem was credit enhances were too expensive.

More on topic, creative builds is impossible in this game, not only are most of them weaker than the OP builds, once you do people are going to recognize it, copy it and then others will do the same until its considered OP'd.

Still waiting for a good rebalance, until then I've demoted myself to forum lurker.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 0:12:09)

I never played alpha, and I just started and had little to no idea what was happening when I joined in beta, so this will come from a perspective of a gamma player. I think Gamma was most definitely the best because, while it did have enhancements, the enhancements for a large part of the phase were only on armor and primaries. This allowed the credit-varium gap to be just the right amount, but it also allowed varium players the ease of more creativity. There was supreme creativity in delta, but the gap was way too big. I think that if your build is creative, your play style is creative, and your build can fare well in battle when mixed with your play style, then you're near invincible in many cases. Only a small percent of the level 35s of ED are very good players who can easily adapt; the others are mainly newcomers who just followed the masses and had a large play time over a short period of time. Given this, if you use a creative play style and build, it makes it very hard for the non-experienced masses to counter it since they're not used to something less orthodox, and thus creativity will prevail in win rates given that not any particular build is too OP. Omega totally destroyed creativity and even a sense of fairness because there's far too much luck influencing everything...

NDB -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 0:23:09)

None. People are reluctant to except what they're new to. I'd actually say that if you looked at the big picture, even Beta was extremely unbalanced

DeathiZClarity -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 12:15:31)

I liked Gamma the best, but balance-wise, Beta was the best.

button33 -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 13:16:34)

I agree. This phase is totally unbalanced, and there have been phases that are better. Im an early beta player, and I agree that Beta and Gamma had the best balance and features.
Currently, I dont agree with how everyone at the same level as the same stats. This gives no incentive and no power for varium people. But if you look back at early beta, Varium weapons had two to three extra stats, which allowed a slight power gap, such as 10 stats at most, and was fairly balanced. The addition of enhancements was an okay idea, and was balanced when only the primary weapon could be enhanced, as there was still a fairly small gap. Once enhancements were added to everything in Gamma, the gap started to fall apart, as the varium players typically had 30-40 more stats that a nonvarium player.

The addition of three new classes along with the addition of enhancements at a large scale killed the balance of the game. Although this game is getting better, such as closing the gap, it still is pretty bad. However, there can be a no point a perfectly balanced point, unless we make everyone use the same build and class. After all, what fun would that be. The game can only get closer to that point, but will never hit it right on.

comicalbike -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 15:20:28)

its very easy really if you have a focus build and keep losing by op builds just do what i always did if you cant beat them join them

caser5 -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 16:49:27)

I think with this last update balance is much better, better even then Delta. I don't think Support Builds are OP, and I believe that varium should only provide a slight advantage ( 10+ stats max) in battle, but it should be used more aesthetically. I have been seeing many creative builds, it could improve however, b/c each class seems to have it's best build.

Trifire -> RE: The Death of Creative Builds (3/5/2013 18:19:43)

I think that this phase is somewhat balenced right now and I also think that the only reason that you guys aren't seeing creative builds is because there are many newcomers to epicduel. Also there is more people in ED right now, and well, the economy isn't doing so well currently. In addition, The newcomers want to have a good battle record, and so they copy the builds of the people that can win quickly, A.K.A 2 turn builds. Since they nerfed most of those builds to be useless now, I think that we will be seeing more creative builds.

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