Rusted/Assualt bot (Full Version)

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santonik -> Rusted/Assualt bot (3/4/2013 20:27:02)

Can you raised that special 75% now that is 65%.That helping defencive plays all class.
Long time ago that is 85%.85% is too good but is 75% ok?

Mother1 -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (3/4/2013 20:36:50)

Ok first of all the rusted assualt bot doesn't exist anymore. It was made to a physical version of the assault bot.

Second as for this buff not supported. It used to be 80% when it first came out but it was nerfed to 65% because it was too useful and made debuffs just about worthless.

NDB -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (3/5/2013 0:29:09)

75% but usable once per game.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/2/2013 19:28:30)

How about make it 100% and usable once per game O_O

Sipping Cider -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/2/2013 19:32:43)

If it were usable once per game I would be fine with 80%

I do agree that 65% isn't useful enough considering you use a whole turn and the azreal bot still does damage while debuffing 80%

Hehe right, 65%

Mother1 -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/2/2013 19:49:20)

@ cider

The azreal's borg only does 65% just like the assault bot. But buffing this bot at the expense of debuffs isn't a good thing either.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/2/2013 19:53:40)

but Azreals Borg can be used more than once

Mother1 -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/2/2013 19:57:47)

@ noobernaut

So can the assault bot. Both bots can be used more then once as long as the condition that they work under appears more then once.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/3/2013 2:54:33)

To make this compleatly fair they shuld impliment that assult bot heals you when used and also takes a bit of opponents rage.

It is very obvious that azreals brog is clearly better atm. To proove it lets compare them side by side!

Assult bot is defensive and reduces debuff of opponent by 65% NOTHING ELSE (No damage delt, No rage given on use, no heal ect.)(attack 12dmg)

Azreals brog is offencive. IT attacks dealing 60% damage ALSO it reduces buff by 65% AND it gives you rage. And if you are BH/BM IT GIVES YOU HP?!?! (attack 13 dmg)

You can clearly see that azreals brog is better than assualt bot. Lets just list the advantages which assualt bot DOESN'T HAVE
Attack, Rage gain AND SOMETIMES EVEN HP REGENED. So OBVIOUSLY they shuld rase assualt bot repair % or nerf the Azreals Brog so it doesn't do any damage just takes the buff off.(but it wouldn't be fair to those who bought it so just rase assualts bot repair %)

Keep life simple!

Ranloth -> RE: Rusted/Assualt bot (4/3/2013 7:22:36)

100% is too much, and once per battle. Azrael would have to end up in the same way. It's good as it is to be not once per battle because we can use Shields/debuffs more than once so this Bot just debuffs it and deals very low damage/none at all.

EpicIsEpic, reason why it deals some damage (Azrael) is Varium promo. It can have power over say, Assault Bot, since it was in a promo and only Varium. Pretty much like evolving Yetis makes them stronger than other Bots. In the same way here, Azrael deals some damage.

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