~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (Full Version)

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Demon Emperor -> ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/5/2013 19:35:54)

I speak English, and knew no Portuguese before playing this game. Now however, after a few private chats with the help of an online translator, I know enough to have a simple in-battle conversation with a Brazilian.

Here are a few words that will come in handy if you come across a Portuguese speaking player:
General Terms:
obrigado - thanks
sim - yes/yeah
vitória(s) - win(s)
ta - ok
de nada - your welcome (literally "for nothing")

ED Terms:
batalhar - battle
bao batalhar - good battle
sair - logout
bandeira - flag
doar - donate
Você é forte - You're strong

Common ED Portuguese Names:
Montador - maker (literally assembler)
Desmontador - destroyer (literally unassembler)

From Vypie:
Lose: Perder
"Attack/kill 33": Ataca/mata 33
Heal me: Cura-me
Hi!: Olá!
Want to come to my faction?: Queres vir para a minha faction?
I'm gonna die: Vou morrer
Help me: Ajuda-me
Where do I find X?: Onde encontro X?
Where is our flag?: Onde está a nossa bandeira?

Note: Words/phrases like f4f, tokens, tech mage, sword, credits and other game terms are the same in all languages.

What have your experiences been with learning new languages while playing ED?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/5/2013 20:00:34)

i use google translate to see what they are trying to say and respond back to him

ReconnaisX -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/5/2013 20:24:31)

Too lazy to pull up any translator unless I can tell my partner's trying to say something important.

Demon Emperor -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/5/2013 20:46:56)

^ Same, I usually don't use a translator in-battle, its not worth it because it takes too much time and causes too much lag.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/5/2013 21:29:25)

In 2v2, they generally understand things like "Smoke" or "33" when saying what to do to kill

And unless it's English or French, I don't plan on understanding it...

Vypie -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 10:57:26)

I am a Portuguese player myself, and sometimes it feels like a perk, to be able to understand the majority of players. :D
While Brazilian and Portuguese players both are included in the [Portuguese language], many words and terms can differ, placement of verbs change a bit, and sometimes they differ a lot.

I will give my Portuguese (from Portugal) translation of some terms, which might help, just in case.

By the way,
De nada: When translated roughly, it will not give the exact pretended meaning... though it kind of works. It is used as "You're welcome".

Battle: Batalha
Good battle: Boa batalha
Lose: Perder
"Attack/kill 33": Ataca/mata 33
Heal me: Cura-me
Hi!: Olá!
Want to come to my faction?: Queres vir para a minha faction?
I'm gonna die: Vou morrer
Help me: Ajuda-me
Where do I find X?: Onde encontro X?
Where is our flag?: Onde está a nossa bandeira?

Tell me something else you might find useful to know, and I will translate it. Any terms.

Demon Emperor -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 11:54:54)

^ Thanks.

I'd like to know what ta and jaja mean. I think ta means ok, and jaja is something similar to lol or haha, but I'm not sure.

Stabilis -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 11:57:13)


Like in Spanish, j's are silent so they sound like h's. So if someone texted "jaja" to you they were mocking you or laughing WITH you (rare).

aomont -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 12:04:10)

^ or they a re actually saying "já já" which menas "soon".
Brazilian here. :)
And (to all) if you don't want to try to understand what others are saying, no matter which language you and they speak, you are always the one to lose the opportunity. Embrace it. ;)

EDIT: And "tá" do means "ok" !

Vypie -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 12:33:59)


Like in Spanish, j's are silent so they sound like h's. So if someone texted "jaja" to you they were mocking you or laughing WITH you (rare).

Actually, it's nothing like Spanish. J's are not silent in Portuguese language. But you are tottaly correct on the meaning.

If you see someone saying JAJAJAJAJA, then it's 100% a spanish player laughing. (their version of HAHAHAHAHA).
From what i am used to see, Brasillian players tend to use "huashuashuashuashua", "rsrsrsrsrsrs", or simply "kkkkkkk", along with the common ones.

Portuguese don't have exactly a way or representing laugh... I go with "Hahaha" when I'm writing english or portuguese.

Demon Emperor -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 13:29:20)

^ So kkkkk means haha? I thought it was just a spam version of ok.
I've never seen huashuashuas, but I have seen rsrsrsrs a couple times.

Ta, obrigado. [;)]

Cookielord12 -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 14:09:10)

I searched up something that a Brazilian guy had said to me once and it came up as idiot on Google translate. I never bothered to do that again.

King Helios -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 14:13:52)

br = Brazilian.


caser5 -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/6/2013 15:36:51)

What I wonder is why there are so many brazilians/Portuguese they are over represented compared with pretty much every other-non-american group, is there an ad campaign in Brazil or something, or is it just mass appeal?.

Hard boy -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/13/2013 22:26:36)

Whats up with all these threads about portogues (or however you spell it) in ED

Stabilis -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/13/2013 23:16:45)

I apologize for my ignorance in Portuguese, I only asserted an understanding of the language (specifically the letter "j") because of some understanding of Spanish which I presumed to closely match with Portuguese. So basically I almost understand nothing of Portuguese even though I have quite a few Portuguese friends here in Canada.

aomont -> RE: ~Portuguese in EpicDuel~ (3/14/2013 21:24:14)

No need to apologyze at all.
I've made lots of mistakes myself when I went to Ecuador. Could understand many of the things I read and heard and my Portuguese was of doubtful use. lol

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