Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:21:07)
@Labyth I would think the bosses would be harder to predict, since their decks are so different (cheaper costs for cards). Ninja'd by Epic xD I know that when I duel another person, I can pretty much always have an idea of how much energy they have each turn, and thus what kind, and how many cards I can expect them to play since I know the card costs. And that makes it easier to predict when I should shield, or charge ahead with an attack, or Freeze them. You can't do that with the bosses though. EDIT: ...You don't have to have perfect grammar and spelling every time, but when you do, people take your arguments more seriously. @Labyth It took me 2 tries with Revonthurkey to get that victory screenshot, so seriously, good luck with the Rats! ~Posts merged. Mritha