RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:49:20)

Yeah, go ahead! I think it'd be really impressive if you can use Cupidtheus to beat any boss, but bonus points for beating Lich or Storm Knight.

Like I said, really, really impressive :)

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:51:37)

You'd need insane luck to beat a boss with Cupidtheus. He's got only one shield in his entire deck. Doesn't even have the damage to make up for the lack of defense.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:51:55)

@beck check this.



i eat pumpkim just make sure you know what your doing well yes luck does count sometime but you don't need that much.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:53:21)

@labyth: Afraid not, SL is no where close to even the nerf boss lvl.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:54:19)

If it weren't for the 10 one attack cards on Peasant, it might actually have been better than Cupidtheus.

@labyth Not even skill could save you against the bosses with Cupidtheus. You have one shield and two heals. Your other option would be going offensively but he falls short there.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:55:42)

That's a funny screenshot, but yeah like ND Mallet said, Sentry Lord doesn't hit as hard as the bosses.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:56:45)

@Bck alright i am lvling my cupid right now so i can go kill a boss wich bossed count for you guys give me clear image before i head down to the dungeons.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:57:18)

@Beck: Are you getting our names wrong on purpose?
@labyth: You spent a few k gold to get a rat and that guy spent 10SGs...xD

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:59:14)

@Mondez: I just looked it over and I must say the whole bit was pretty much nonsense. Just goes to show that rares are a very touchy subject for players and that they should be delicately handled.

Anyways, has anyone made it to 1mil gold yet? And what about achievements in OS?

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 21:59:54)

Then their is this.

@mallet i am pretty sure this little guy has 1 shield aswell and very high energy cost for him to really do anything.

also considering the most damage that cupid can do at onceis 23 2 attack 5(8energy)2 might(4energy)1holy strike(5 energy)

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:04:29)

@labyth:.....He went Afk or something right?

@Jmagic: I think Prime said he reached halfway.

@labyth: You can beat players with the rat but I'm not so sure about the bosses.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:05:48)

None of the characters outside of the bosses really compare to their power levels. You can pull out a win with a Rat against some powerful characters like Darkon, PL, SL, Black Dragon and so on, but the bosses are above those characters, even more so if they get the right cards before you.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:08:28)

No he wasn't afk every time he shield i used life drain(to counter and heal me 3 times)and used unbloabkles and my 5 damage to kill.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:09:22)

I WOULD be more than halfway to the Gold Cap, but then I bought Fish Face and now I'm not.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:10:13)

I only just now have the gold to get Quaztk.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:12:41)

I'm around 214k. I should start training a char again. Now who to choose...

@below: Oh jeez. buy EXP boosts. Which is easy since I have stronger urge to save SGs.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:14:50)

You get 50k for training a character to level 20 (assuming you lay off the Treasure Chests), so in order to make 500k, you need 10 level 20's.
For 1 million gold, that's 20 level 20's. Yikes.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:16:43)

Okay i am rty to take the challegen see how well i can use the rat to beat a boss.after all the boss doesn't rationalize like humans do and they are easier to predict.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:19:15)

Bosses also have higher hits for lower energy. So good luck, regardless of skill, is going to be needed.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:21:07)

I would think the bosses would be harder to predict, since their decks are so different (cheaper costs for cards). Ninja'd by Epic xD
I know that when I duel another person, I can pretty much always have an idea of how much energy they have each turn, and thus what kind, and how many cards I can expect them to play since I know the card costs.
And that makes it easier to predict when I should shield, or charge ahead with an attack, or Freeze them. You can't do that with the bosses though.


...You don't have to have perfect grammar and spelling every time, but when you do, people take your arguments more seriously.
It took me 2 tries with Revonthurkey to get that victory screenshot, so seriously, good luck with the Rats!

~Posts merged.

Chaosyn -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:50:14)

Bosses do not behave the same way regular characters practically everyone has already stated....
Killing a Burn Mage with a rat is FAR different than Killing a boss with a rat...

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:51:02)

I just met a person who came right from AQW, being a troll and claiming he is a level "3156743675" in AQW.I don't want OS to be like this, I'd rather it be for what it's actually intended for, 13 years old and over.Fortunately, this is the first time it's this bad.Usually, they ask where I got one of my characters, and they go on their way.On the bright side, most people aren't like this.
EDIT: No offense to you AQW players who aren't like this.

@Labyth that video is awesome.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:53:51)


1st enemy entering the dungeon
What killed him
The results
i might have chance i believe after all fire enemies tend to have higher damage outputs but still have high energy cost so not really big yay for me in my plan.

2nd encounter enemy
How he died
HIS results
this got me a bit more courage since well i killed somethign taht can do decent damage and heal and also shield and has low eneryg cost for such things

3rd match BOSS
TOOK ME 1 try(no kidding here)THE BOSS ENDSand their you guys go killed the boss and i shoed you how he died before he died.

like i said i have 3 benefits :
1bosses do 1 thing per turn
2draw only not charged and use alot of their energy
3before they do something big they charged more then once allowing the player to prepare.


well it was fun match but i preffer fighitng people who can think.

@ thank you for liking the video it isn;'t mine,one of my friend told me this video reminded me of my rat.

also if no one believes me i been looking for beck this whole time ask asuka and victoria (i think that their name in os)but right now i am just afk in solace-1 in nul

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 22:59:27)

You know someone just came over from AQW when:
1) They as you where you got that "cool armor"
2) They ask you where they can get some rares
3) ... some particularly immature ones use every variation of every swear word they can think of, to revel in the currently simplistic OS profanity filter.

That is amazing! You are very good with the Rat :) Now try Cupidtheus. THAT would be unparalleled.

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/6/2013 23:01:15)

@Lord Beck:

The first question I ever asked when I started playing OverSoul was "Where can I get some kwel rares!" ._.

=v I'm a typical AQWorlds player!


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