RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 14:38:21)

No matter how you slice or dice it, the tourney would be unfair to someone. Having it ratio based would only open up the problem of it being too luck based or unfair because of the RNG.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 14:59:50)


Lol and how did you get your points in the tourney ? By eating fried chicken ? You had to do pvp battles to get points ,therefore if the pvp battles weren't balanced then the tourney was not balanced either.

We're not discussing about how you get the points.
We're talking about the system of the tournament.
Which means that it is either based on ratio or a certain beating npc or just like now getting points through pvp battles.

If it was on a npc, the balance wouldnt even matter.
Now, its just the one who has the most time wins.
If it was with ratio, then that wouldnt have mattered.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 16:01:37)

I want some fried chicken... D:

But seriously, the tournament needs to go by win ratio -_-

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 16:21:42)

Ratio isn't the way to go either.
My idea (as previously stated) is that each participant gets an hour (maybe two) each day the tourney goes on to gather points. You start your timer by hitting a button on the tournament statue and from then on you have a time limit each day to gain your points. More skilled players gain points and don't have to spend hours upon hours grinding as many wins as possible. Everyone truly has the same amount of time to make an effort in the tourney.

That would make for a seriously competitive tourney in my opinion.

Mother1 -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 16:26:14)

@ M4SD

Most would like it, however the ones who have the most time to spare wouldn't because they would be losing the advantage they normally would have if the tournament was like it is now.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 16:53:10)

that's another good idea sunny, I never said I disagreed...

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 17:16:01)

Sorry, that wasn't aimed at you or anything haha, I just think going by win ratio would cause more problems than it would solve

That would be the big complaint, this I know, but the tourney should be competitive and of course those who enjoy their lots of spare time advantage wouldn't be happy, but it puts the tourney on an even playing field in terms of giving everyone a chance. But to them I would say tough beans, a tournament should be competitive, not just grind out wins hour upon hour for two weeks. It just seems a little silly to me

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 17:19:26)


RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not?

No it my opinion, I lost a vast number of 2v2s. Just going to wait till the release happens. Also 1v1 is boring.


only waiting for the release to get the code ^^.

DestruRaGe -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 17:52:05)

Of course that ppl who plays most gonna win or get best ranks.
I recommend to make loses score too but for less points.

Lycan. -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 18:49:06)

Destrurage that's an awesome idea bro, i hope this happens in the next tournament.

button33 -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 18:51:04)

Subtracting points for losing is a good idea. This way, theres a penalty for a quick kill build, but also a bonus for a high win rate build.

Mother1 -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 19:22:48)

A minus point system wouldn't just hurt quick kill builds. Especially if balances is messed up. We all know everyone will just go to the OP build, and those not using it will be the ones who suffer more then the abusers.

This would only work if balance is actually there (which from my experience hasn't been.)

Baron Dante -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 19:25:21)

Mother makes a fair point. As long as balance isn't perfect or close to it, a system that punishes for losses would not be feasible.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 20:42:41)

Just look at what class the top players on the tourney leader boards are Cyber Hunter (he use to be in the merc classes) with max massacre and level 3 EMP and high heal which I beat him in 1vs1 because I went 1st had to use all my energy when I went first because if you didn't go first the 3rd round it would be over even if you had a lot of health. If you did not use your energy he would just EMP you not once by twice use the refrigerator to restore his energy to use massacre what I was told on a player on my buddy list.

The next class that was at the top of the list was a Tact merc he had support to the highest with high level reroute able to still get 45+ damage on me with my high defense but I couldn't even get close to 40 damage with high low tech with Plasma rain.

If the tournament would have ended I was at 55 and other players that works was in the top 100 as well but they decided to extend is due to balance issues. They should have ended when they stated it was going to install the patch then start a second tournament with a different prize to the top 100.

The competition was unfair to the working stiffs and it was unfair not only because of the balance issues but because of power faced one class over another.

Baron Dante -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 21:22:54)

Hun: Wait, when did this extension happen? Was it not supposed to be 2 weeks from the very beginning?

Mother1 -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 21:29:30)

@ baron

They were originally going to make the tournament a whole month. But then later on they changed their minds and made it two weeks. I am guessing hun feels he would have had a better chance of winning if it was originally a month long like they first said it would be.

Baron Dante -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/8/2013 21:35:48)

Mother: I'm aware of that. That's not an extension though. And what he says implies it originally should've stopped when he was in 55th spot, in a form that implies the past.

Thus, Hun is claiming the tourney was supposed to be shorter and it was extended, but that never happened.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 0:36:04)

@ midnight and everyone

Could you please read my post in the previous page ...

It's about the complications that come along with the win ratio judging ..


Exactly! ... Satisfying everyone is nearly impossible.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:16:32)

Baron Dante, They actual did say it was going to be only a 3 day weekend event (because it was an experiment) so that players that work and full time school would have a fair chance of being in the top 100 then they extended it after the tournament began making it unfair to the players that work and have full time school.

Vagaran -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:17:15)

No, I'm pretty sure the staff said it would be 14 days before the tourney started.

Mother1 -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:19:18)

@ hun

Ok where was this said at? Please show me where they said this was at because last I checked they said it was going to be a month long event at first then changed it to a 2 week event because they felt it was too long. I don't ever remember them ever saying that it was going to be 3 days. However if you can provide proof of this than I will believe you.

Charfade -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:24:07)

The original concept of the Golden Yeti Tournament was going to be a month long, lasting as long as the Frysteland War the previous year. Because Omega was delayed and players suggested a shorter tournament, we changed it to 2 weeks or 14 day Tournament when we launched it. For future Tournaments we have been talking about 3 day events rather then 2 weeks.

priest_hidan -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:37:46)

^yes 2 to 3 days is a great idea. it seems like you have to play 12-15 hrs a day to win for 2 weeks. the game shouldn't encourage that. 2-3 days is good. i tried my best in this tourny... lost one day of sleep... but that's alright. ended up with 9k points because giving up 2 weeks of sleep just wasn't enough for a bot that does the same damage. also in the future, hopefully the reward will be unique... something with unique ability. and that should be announced before hand. also it would be great if the reward has some effect in gameplay. for example, the winner gets a core. rank 1's core does 140% damage and rank 2's does 125... and it decreases and so on. it would make players more unique as we continue in the game. the yeti tourny winners are no different than the normal players. their achievement should be a bit more unique and useful... i mean the winner had some 44,000 points. that's 8,800 pvp wins in 2 weeks which is the same as my lifetime wins and i have been playing the last 3-4 years :P. anyway hopefully you all understand.

Vagaran -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 11:43:41)


also it would be great if the reward has some effect in gameplay. for example, the winner gets a core. rank 1's core does 140% damage and rank 2's does 125... and it decreases and so on.

Such OP reward should never be the price not even for getting on first place :/ But yeah, I agree 2 weeks was too long and I'm happy if you make it 1-3 days instead.

Sesura -> RE: Was the Competition Fair or Not? (3/9/2013 12:41:26)

For me, the competition started and ended in a fair manner. @IM UR OWNER really deserved that #1 spot because he really battled his way through it. He would have never be in that spot if he was only active for a day or two, he was active for the whole two weeks! Well, that is a reasonable reason for him to win. That's competitions are competitions, follow the rules or you lose. :)

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