Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason **Update 1.1.2** (Full Version)

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rayniedays56 -> Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason **Update 1.1.2** (3/8/2013 8:09:17)

**As the title suggests, this post describes the buffs and nerfs I feel are quite relevant right now for the game. No, these are not what are BEING done, they are, rather simply, my own opinions. All of these suggestions were made entirely by me, so feel free to criticize (however please leave it as constructive) to some/all of these. That being said, let us begin**

With the Epicduel Omega Update, our defenses, health, and energy suffered a terrific loss, supposedly done to stop all of the abuse within the system. However, something the update did NOT allocate, although according to G00NY was an issue within testing, was the power of 2 hit K/O Mercenaries. I am sure we all have seen the High Strength, Maxed Double Strike, Maxed Berzerker combos which had all but the few who used it decimating in losses.

However, the update, 1.5.2, helped alleviate THESE 2 hit combos by lowering the percentages they can do while also giving players a higher Field Medic at an earlier level.

Double Strike
Damage lowered by 8% at all levels
Damage lowered by 10% at all level
Damage lowered by 5% at all levels
Damage lowered by 5% at all levels
Field Medic
Base heal increased at early levels from 11-38 to 14-38

HOWEVER, it wasn't until patch notes 1.5.3 that we saw an immediate change within the strength damage calculations.

Each point of damage now requires 4.5 point of Strength, up from 4

Not to mention this update balanced Health and Energy within the classes by fixing some of the discrepancies within the base amounts. Mercenary

Base Health lowered from 57 to 55
Base Energy increased from 53 to 54
Tech Mage
Base Health increased from 54 to 55
Base Strength increased from 18 to 20
Base Technology lowered from 24 to 22
Cyber Hunter
Base Health increased from 53 to 55
Base Energy lowered from 57 to 56
Tactical Mercenary
Base Health lowered from 57 to 55
Base Energy increased from 53 to 54
Blood Mage
Base Health lowered from 56 to 55
Base Energy increased from 54 to 55

Then after these 2 hit combos, the next, WAY to powerful build, yet again by the Mercenary class, was the 2 Hit K/O Support Builds, which are still seen today. Able to critical EASILY 50+ damage on aux while having 70+ initial damage on Artillery Strike, WHICH could also easily critical was decimating. This however, was fixed, somewhat, with the new scaling done by Rabble, which decimated extremely high damage builds tenfold. (The stat required for 30-36+39 aux damage dropped to ~25-30+39 aux damage *this needs looking into*)

These buffs are what I feel need to be done create BETTER balance within ED (since total balance is improbable).


Hybrid Armor: Some people are looking at this with disbelief, I am sure. BUT please hear me out on this. Hybrid armor scales CURRENTLY at the rate of:

Level 1: 2 / 1
Level 2: 2 / 2
Level 3: 3 / 2
Level 4: 3 / 3
Level 5: 4 / 3
Level 6: 4 / 4
Level 7: 5 / 4
Level 8: 5 / 5
Level 9: 6 / 5
Level 10: 6 / 6

However, I feel it SHOULD scale at a rate that it USED to be at, where it gained +7+6 (I know this was a bug). Here is the scale:
(1-14) (15-29) (30-44)*
Level 1: (1/1) (1/2) (2/2)
Level 2: (1/2) (2/2) (2/3)
Level 3: (2/2) (2/3) (3/3)
Level 4: (2/3) (3/3) (4/3)
Level 5: (3/3) (3/4) (4/4)
Level 6: (3/4) (4/4) (5/4)
Level 7: (4/4) (5/4) (5/5)
Level 8: (4/5) (5/5) (6/5)
Level 9: (5/5) (6/5) (6/6)
Level 10: (5/6) (6/6) (7/6)

With defenses lowered, a slight tiny buff shouldn't hurt for this relatively weak debuff.


Level 1: 10
Level 2: 12
Level 3: 14
Level 4: 16
Level 5: 18
Level 6: 20
Level 7: 22
Level 8: 24
Level 9: 26
Level 10: 28

I would suggest a -1 EP at all levels with a +2 Strength Reduction on the base intimidate should be enough. This means builds will see +2 more strength reduction with a smaller EP cost. Small, but still a buff :)

Atom Smasher:

Some may say that this skill is fine, but for me, I feel it does little decimation with the chance it can be blocked, so I am going to TRY to bring it to EMP's level by increasing some percentages. ALSO, since strength was lowered, it in advertantly affected this skill also.

The current formula:

Level 1: 48%
Level 2: 52%
Level 3: 56%
Level 4: 60%
Level 5: 63%
Level 6: 66%
Level 7: 69%
Level 8: 72%
Level 9: 75%
Level 10: 78%

MY new formula:

Level 1: 55%
Level 2: 59%
Level 3: 63%
Level 4: 67%
Level 5: 71%
Level 6: 75%
Level 7: 78%
Level 8: 81%
Level 9: 83%
Level 10: 84%

However, to stop people from abusing this skill, I am increasing the EP cost a SLIGHT bit.

Level 1: 6
Level 2: 7
Level 3: 8
Level 4: 9
Level 5: 10
Level 6: 11
Level 7: 12
Level 8: 13
Level 9: 14
Level 10: 15

New would increase the EP cost by +2.

Level 1: 8
Level 2: 9
Level 3: 10
Level 4: 11
Level 5: 12
Level 6: 13
Level 7: 14
Level 8: 15
Level 9: 16
Level 10: 17

~Bounty Hunters

Reflex Boost:

I ONLY suggest the EP cost to be lowered on this skill, since in all honesty, it is almost PERFECT the way it is. Currently the EP cost is:


Level 1: 12
Level 2: 13
Level 3: 14
Level 4: 15
Level 5: 16
Level 6: 17
Level 7: 18
Level 8: 19
Level 9: 20
Level 10: 21

The change would be -2 Ep at all levels, making it:

Level 1: 10
Level 2: 11
Level 3: 12
Level 4: 13
Level 5: 14
Level 6: 15
Level 7: 16
Level 8: 17
Level 9: 18
Level 10: 19

Stun Grenade:

You all knew it was coming up, huh? ;) I want to be able to put this skill NEAR par with overload, but NOT on the same scale. To do this, I recommend a +2 damage buff to the base damage ONLY, since bounties can power this skill through R. Boost and Smoke Screen.

Venom Strike:

I'm going to be the first to say (maybe) that this skill is NOT UP. You can poison the enemy, while hitting for some nice damage, which is enough for me. However, I would like to keep it on par with Toxic Grenade by simply adding this:


Stat: 24 Technology at level 1 (+2 per skill level) ; 42 Technology at Max

Stat: NONE

And a -2 EP at all levels, making it:


Level 1: 14
Level 2: 16
Level 3: 18
Level 4: 20
Level 5: 22
Level 6: 24
Level 7: 26
Level 8: 28
Level 9: 30
Level 10: 32

Level 1: 12
Level 2: 14
Level 3: 16
Level 4: 18
Level 5: 20
Level 6: 22
Level 7: 24
Level 8: 26
Level 9: 28
Level 10: 30

~Tech Mage


As the same with Bloodlust, since damage stats have diminished, the power of this skill has ALSO diminished.

Here is the old:

Level 1: 12%
Level 2: 15%
Level 3: 18%
Level 4: 21%
Level 5: 23%
Level 6: 25%
Level 7: 27%
Level 8: 28%
Level 9: 29%
Level 10: 30%

Here is what i suggest:

Level 1: 18%
Level 2: 21%
Level 3: 24%
Level 4: 27%
Level 5: 29%
Level 6: 31%
Level 7: 33%
Level 8: 34%
Level 9: 35%
Level 10: 36%

I feel that 6 energy more per every 100 damage is kind, don't you? And the heightened lower levels of this skill will help most lower levels learn to VALUE this skill. This is the only buff I see fit on this skill.


This here is a skill that has been greatly overlooked in a long time. Why? It is simply not powerful enough to be worth getting. So, a buff that I would, for one, LOVE to see would be a higher steal rate with a less gain rate. What do I mean? Well...


Deals 100% primary weapon damage. Steals energy from an enemy target; adds 50% to your energy pool. (rounded up)
Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
Energy Steal (Progression depends on Character Level):
Level 1: 1 / 2 / 3 (Adds 1 / 2 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 2: 2 / 3 / 4 (Adds 1 / 2 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 3: 3 / 4 / 5 (Adds 2 / 3 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 4: 4 / 5 / 6 (Adds 2 / 3 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 5: 5 / 6 / 7 (Adds 3 / 4 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 6: 6 / 7 / 8 (Adds 3 / 4 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 7: 7 / 8 / 9 (Adds 4 / 5 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 8: 8 / 9 / 10 (Adds 4 / 5 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 9: 9 / 10 / 11 (Adds 5 / 6 Energy to Energy Pool)
Level 10: 10 / 11 / 12 (Adds 5 / 6 Energy to Energy Pool)

Deals 85% primary weapon damage. Steals energy from an enemy target; adds 40% to your energy pool. (rounded up)
Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
Energy Steal (Progression depends on Character Level):
Level 1: 5/6/7
Level 2: 7/8/9
Level 3: 9/10/11
Level 4: 10/11/12
Level 5: 11/12/13
Level 6: 12/13/14
Level 7: 13/14/15
Level 8: 14/15/16
Level 9: 16/17/18
Level 10: 18/19/20

With this, we see a MUCH higher steal rate with a SLIGHTLY less gain rate. Let's say you are Level 35 and max Assimilation. You STEAL 22 of the opponents EP while gaining 9 EP back.
I have made the cooldown stay the same to prevent overuse of this skill. Also, notice the 85% primary damage? Now no high strength build can destroy you while using this skill.

~Cyber Hunter

Static Charge
I feel that with Damage output being lowered, then this has inadvertantly affected this skill, as long with others mentioned earlier. I was looking around forums for inspiration and saw a VERY nice suggestion made by Giras Wolfe HERE

However, I made a few smaller changes to it.

Here is the old skill:

Level 1: 15% Dmg to Energy
Level 2: 17% Dmg to Energy
Level 3: 19% Dmg to Energy
Level 4: 21% Dmg to Energy
Level 5: 23% Dmg to Energy
Level 6: 25% Dmg to Energy
Level 7: 27% Dmg to Energy
Level 8: 28% Dmg to Energy
Level 9: 29% Dmg to Energy
Level 10: 30% Dmg to Energy

And here is my NEW formula:

Level 1: 10% Dmg to Energy
Level 2: 15% Dmg to Energy
Level 3: 20% Dmg to Energy
Level 4: 24% Dmg to Energy
Level 5: 28% Dmg to Energy
Level 6: 32% Dmg to Energy
Level 7: 35% Dmg to Energy
Level 8: 38% Dmg to Energy
Level 9: 39% Dmg to Energy
Level 10: 40% Dmg to Energy

But, at each level of Static Charge, you gain a boost. Here is the boost:

Level 1: +0 EP boost
Level 2: +1 EP boost
Level 3: +1 EP boost
Level 4: +2 EP boost
Level 5: +2 EP boost
Level 6: +3 EP boost
Level 7: +3 EP boost
Level 8: +4 EP boost
Level 9: +5 EP boost
Level 10: +6 EP boost

So, say you hit a 26 with level 7 Static Charge. 26(35%)=9.1, or 10 EP regained. However, with the boost, you gain +3 extra, adding to +13 EP regained.

Venom Strike:

Stat: 24 Technology at level 1 (+2 per skill level) ; 42 Technology at Max

Stat: NONE

And a -2 EP at all levels

Plasma Grenade:

I suggest adding a +3 Damage buff to the base while decreasing EP by -1 at all levels. Reasons behind this are that Bounties are able to power this skill up through Smoke Screen and Reflex Boost. Cyber's can only power it up through Malfunction. So a smaller buff to it than Stun Grenade was made.

Shadow Arts:

I suggest removing this skill from Cyber Hunters due to the ludicrous block rate Cyber's seem to have since they have a Resistance based armor and they need to not overly rely on technology.

However, while this MAY seem like a nerf, it inadvertantly is a BUFF due to this skill I have added. Say Hello to:

Energy Conductor: Passively increases your deflection chance and Plasma Grenade stun chance.
Energy Required: 0 (Passive)
Deflection Chance Increased: **stun chance remains on the Shadow Arts Scale**
Level 1: 3%
Level 2: 5%
Level 3: 7%
Level 4: 9%
Level 5: 10%
Level 6: 11%
Level 7: 12%
Level 8: 13%
Level 9: 14%
Level 10: 15%

~Blood Mage

I so want to suggest nerfs right now it isn't funny. But, I am going to suggest my BUFFS first :)

Plasma Cannon:

A simple buff to this is to add a +2-4 Base damage increase. The EP is fine as it is.


I was...a little IFFY about this skill on a bloodmage. They do INSANE amounts of damage while being able to gain nice defenses and also lowering the enemies damage on you. So, I will NOT be suggesting a buff for this skill. I need SOME help on this one. **PM me maybe?**

~Tactical Mercenary

Stun Grenade:

I suggest replacing this skill with Maul, simply because since strength TLM's are virtually non existant *with smoke gone and damage output decreased*


The same balance changes that I did with Tech Mages on this one. It's just an extra 2-3 EP at most, and with MAUL, people will be using less SP in this skill.


Other people say this skill is underpowered. I simply say that adding swords to be able to work with this skill will make it more efficient.

theholyfighter -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 8:14:15)

Too much buff to Atomic Smasher?

Ranloth -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 8:18:46)

Atom Smasher being useable by a Sword would already be a buff; remember Swords have advantage over class-specific weapons. Making it Sword+Club and no buff to %s nor higher EP cost would be good enough.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 8:22:12)


It STILL has a slight buff, BUT not an outrageous one. I have also removed the sword also, making it club only, since I am too dermb to realize TLM has the same skill. Don't judge me xD

Ranloth -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 8:28:08)

Even if Atom Smasher may be weaker than EMP (and blockable), it also has lower EP cost to justify that.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 8:33:49)

Nice criticism guys. You managed to make a judgement WITHOUT flaming O____O


So, can we look at OTHER skills besides Atom now? I am quite liking those :)

A.T -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 9:59:45)

@trans oh really it not only eats less mana, it sometimes gets blocked to especially against bh where you actually need it :D

Drianx -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 10:11:09)

Everyone forgets the true reason why Poison is weak. I'm saying this as an ex-Poison BH (ofr a while) back then during Beta.

Poison works good with high-ish Support. Because if you go second, using Poison build is suicidal, basically you lose 2 turns, and BH is not a tank like TLM. So in 2 turns you can end up with less than half HP.

Advice: no offense, try using a Poison build first, then make a conclusion.

Back in Beta Poison was working with energy claws - physical gun - physical aux for one reason: Massacre was most effective at level 1, because it had the best energy cost/effectiveness. Now a lv1 Massacre is trash, so the build doesn't work at all.

I'm actually starting to believe that Poison itself doesn't need a buff. It needs to be replaced as it cannot work anymore unless it is modified to the point where it actually gets replaced by a completely different skill.

Trifire -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/8/2013 22:48:14)

Well, by buffing assimilate and reroute, you are basically making a heal loop era for the tech mages. I use a heal loop mage build already and I think that reroute and assimilate are fine the way they are.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/9/2013 12:57:33)

^ Agree with Trifire about the reroute, it doesnt need to be buffed.
However, assimilate could use a buff, although 22 energy at max seems like a lot for a skill costing no energy.

I also agree with the changes to venom strike. Taking away the tech requirement gives you more options with a second skill to go with the venom.

I agree with the stun grenade buff, although plasma grenade should really get the same buff to be fair. Plasma grenade's energy cost should probably be the same as stun grenades too.

Edit: Sorry I'm too lazy to go through your whole post. :p

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/9/2013 18:19:11)

@green warrior

I will cover CH's, TLM's, and BM buffs as soon as Update 1.1.2 is available. I am 75% done with it, as I have to work out a few kinks with it.


Well, by buffing assimilate and reroute, you are basically making a heal loop era for the tech mages. I use a heal loop mage build already and I think that reroute and assimilate are fine the way they are.

Reroute is only buffed by 6% out of every 100 damage. Say you do 30 damage. With maxed Reroute at 30%, you gain 9 EP. With maxed reroute at 36%, you gain 11 EP gain. Not really much. The assimilate buff is also one that I wanted to mention. Assimilate works every 3 turns, and gives 50% of the skill back. Basically, you have maxed assimilate, you steal 12 EP while gaining 6 EP.

With my version, you gain 40% of the EP you steal. Say you max assimilate and am level 35. You steal 22 EP, while also gaining 9 EP. Remember that to have maxed reoute, you have to sacrifice Skill Points from SOMEWHERE.


Everyone forgets the true reason why Poison is weak. I'm saying this as an ex-Poison BH (ofr a while) back then during Beta.

Poison works good with high-ish Support. Because if you go second, using Poison build is suicidal, basically you lose 2 turns, and BH is not a tank like TLM. So in 2 turns you can end up with less than half HP.

Advice: no offense, try using a Poison build first, then make a conclusion.

Back in Beta Poison was working with energy claws - physical gun - physical aux for one reason: Massacre was most effective at level 1, because it had the best energy cost/effectiveness. Now a lv1 Massacre is trash, so the build doesn't work at all.

I'm actually starting to believe that Poison itself doesn't need a buff. It needs to be replaced as it cannot work anymore unless it is modified to the point where it actually gets replaced by a completely different skill.

I feel different. With my buff to poison, I can make it easier to make a strong poison build for BH's, while not completely overpowering it like Toxic Grenade was.

Stabilis -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/9/2013 18:25:46)

Poisonous skills need an overhaul for various reasons:

-low damage per skill point OR slow accumulation of damage

-high energy costs

-poison damage is arbitrarily overpowered in the logic that poison damage ignores defences but also because rage and Reroute and possible other features in battle are not counted in this irregular damage

Necromantres -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/10/2013 5:33:56)

Why don't people just trew Mercenary over the window?
We had strenght build- Nerfed

Hibrid got support requirement (althrought mineral armor. plasma armor and reroute still have defence requiremente dex/tech)

We got into support build -Nerfed (again)

And looks like many more nerfs come as ideas from other people...For me at least it is wrong...

I miss the days when cheat codes were a combination of arrows and keys, not something you could buy with $

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/10/2013 17:14:56)

@ necromantres

I use a 4 focus Tech Abuse build with the Assault Bot P with my Level 25 Mercenary, and my win rate is quite nice. Strength and Support builds were nerfed because they could 2 Hit K/O a build quite easily, which people abused.


Evolved Classes Buffs!!!

Currently working on Update 1.1.3 now :) This will cover Base Class Nerfs!

Bloodpact -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 0:00:58)

Assimilation taking away 22 energy for 0 energy = OP
Not only that it also just makes this another super luck
affected skill. One block and your whole strategy is ruined.
Instead is should be on the lines of something like.
Cost : 0

Energy drain: (1-10) rounded up OR (2-8)
Cooldown: 2 turns
Warmup: 0 turn
This would make blocks less devastating to this skill.
{"AND MAYBE" an added effect of after level 5 it is possible to be used while at full energy
in return you gain a 1 turn overcharge on your energy to surpass your max.}

Reroute seems fine atm. [ This coming from a BIAS user of it ]

Poison differently needs a revamp.
[ An idea they should make cyber hunter's replaced by a poison that affects energy instead of hp
but isn't nearly as powerful as the hp version ]

Giving Maul to Tact Mercs <--yes something useful Supported.
There reroute also doesn't need to be changed I think. [ Tho BIASly I would love dat ]
No Club required skills should be changed to include sword. <--- What would be the point of clubs then??

Buff dem Stun grenades they need it. But they should be naturally 40% ( up to 50% with Shadow arts )

Deflection in place of blocks on Cyber's sounds genius

All I remembered from my skim

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 0:48:34)


Assimilation taking away 22 energy for 0 energy = OP
Not only that it also just makes this another super luck
affected skill. One block and your whole strategy is ruined.
Instead is should be on the lines of something like.
Cost : 0

I revamped it a bit.


Deals 85% primary weapon damage. Steals energy from an enemy target; adds 40% to your energy pool. (rounded up)
Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
Energy Steal (Progression depends on Character Level):
Level 1: 5/6/7
Level 2: 7/8/9
Level 3: 9/10/11
Level 4: 10/11/12
Level 5: 11/12/13
Level 6: 12/13/14
Level 7: 13/14/15
Level 8: 14/15/16
Level 9: 16/17/18
Level 10: 18/19/20


Deflection in place of blocks on Cyber's sounds genius

THANK YOU! *huggles*

I am glad someone saw what I was getting at. And it is understandable higher by 5%, simply because deflections don't negate ALL damage done, like blocks do.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 5:16:16)

Well for one Assimilation does not improve with any stat so reducing the damage will create an unnecessary nerf especially on the low levels.

Increasing the amount of energy steal on one of the two high energy draining skills that more and more players are getting annoyed about would just make players even more tick off if it happens. How would you like about all you energy drain every single match in every battle mode forcing you to just go to a non skill based build thinking why should the class have any skills if you can't ever use them or forced to use skills at the beginning of the match.

"Plasma Cannon:

A simple buff to this is to add a +2-4 Base damage increase. The EP is fine as it is."

This buff would not make a difference you still would have to pour all your points in tech in hoping to get at least 40 damage with all the high tech infernal android builds running around now. Even on low tech builds the Plasma Cannon barely gets above 40. It does not crit as often as people think or as some try to make you think. They will say it just crit on me but that person might have been the 200th person they battled and that was the first crit.


I was...a little IFFY about this skill on a bloodmage. They do INSANE amounts of damage while being able to gain nice defenses and also lowering the enemies damage on you. So, I will NOT be suggesting a buff for this skill. I need SOME help on this one. **PM me maybe?** "

It only affects the base stat and no matter how much you buff it it will still only affect base stat. Does not increase that players defenses, does not increase that players damage, and if they have low strength already you are just wasting your turn or energy.

zion -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 5:42:30)

No debuff, including intimidate, should be buffed. In fact, they should all be nerfed a bit. The numbers are from an old system with more stats to go around. Since they take a larger percentage of your stats now, they should be nerfed a bit - a couple of points from the base level.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 7:47:25)


No debuff, including intimidate, should be buffed. In fact, they should all be nerfed a bit. The numbers are from an old system with more stats to go around. Since they take a larger percentage of your stats now, they should be nerfed a bit - a couple of points from the base level.

I think intimidate needs a buff on Mercs, but it needs...revamped on Blood Mages for said reasons. It gives too much synergy. I am already seeing a return of strength BM's with intimidate and shields.


Well for one Assimilation does not improve with any stat so reducing the damage will create an unnecessary nerf especially on the low levels.

Why does that matter? No other energy drain deals damage, so doing 100% damage while reducing Energy AND gaining energy is slightly OP in my opinion.


This buff would not make a difference you still would have to pour all your points in tech in hoping to get at least 40 damage with all the high tech infernal android builds running around now. Even on low tech builds the Plasma Cannon barely gets above 40. It does not crit as often as people think or as some try to make you think. They will say it just crit on me but that person might have been the 200th person they battled and that was the first crit.

A +2-4 WOULD be considerable. Since the recent buff to bloodlust, plasma cannon ALREADY received a small buff. I was using a tech abuse tank build with 35-42 resistance as a BM, and I can say I was destroying the OP support builds running amuck.


It only affects the base stat and no matter how much you buff it it will still only affect base stat.

Smokescreen affects the *base stat* and so does malfunction and curse.


Does not increase that players defenses, does not increase that players damage

Of course it doesn't. It is meant to WEAKEN the enemy.


and if they have low strength already you are just wasting your turn or energy.

Then do not use it. I don't use malf if their resistance is below 18-22. I don't smokescreen if they are below 15-18.

Necromantres -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 11:33:30)

yes, at mid level it isn't so hard,at level 25 i still used my bunker build and helped me. but at higher levels it gets harder but how about the low levels mercenaries? for example bow that hibrid have support requirement, they can hardly find a good build,,,overall low defence with low field medic and low strenght , they are not doing so good

Hun Kingq -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 12:40:39)

rayniedays56, You are seeing a return of strength blood mages not because of Intimidation but because of Bludgeon, the only skill that does high damage.

I have no idea where you can get the notion of Plasma Cannon getting a buff because Blood Lust got a buff I had a Plasma Cannon tech / support build before and after the update the potential damage was the same. I just checked your Character page it states Cyber Hunter not Blood Mage and with low Dex Artillery strike will destroy you. If a player with malfunction goes first they goes any power of the Plasma Cannon than you get destroyed with energy based weapons. With my tech /support build I barely seen Critical damage even with super high tech I was lucky to see 45 damage the average damage was 40 or less so you small +2-4 would not make a difference. With my high dex build a merc got more damage with Bunker Buster with the same potential damage as Plasma Cannon than I did with a player with the same amount of tech I had dex at.

So in your opinion Atom Smasher/EMP at level 1 –3 can take away 30+energy is not OP/OB because they don’t do damage but you suggest taking more energy. Assimilation does damage but does not improve with anything takes away 12 points at max (with your suggestion 20 points) and only gives back 6 or yours 9 because it does damage it is OP. That is why this game is so messed up and they can’t get any closer to balance because everyone thinks one skill is OP or is the problem when it is another skill or what drives the skills and stats.

Now to compare smoke screen/malfunction with intimidation/curse so let see which is worse to get affected by screen/malfunction or intimidation/curse I believe the winner is screen/malfunction because it increases damage affecting the very thing you need to survive Protection even with shields up they still can get pretty good damage and with max massacre you can for get it you are done. Curse affects support but guess what they still have weapon damage and their support is still high then yours so they still get Critical damage. With high support I tested max Intimidation on high strength builds they laughed because they still had high strength and still got high damage with strength based skills and weapons.

Just because you weaken the enemy in anyway does not mean your defenses increases just means you enemy has less base strength without an increase in damage on your part.

When I was doing a high dex build with extremely low tech every match I got malfunctioned.

For reroute you might as well suggested 100% return because 30% at level 10 is more than generous.

Ranloth -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 13:47:38)

If Malf destroys your Plasma Cannon, don't use it whilst Malfed but either debuff it with Assault Bot or wait until it wears off & rely on other strategy. If you MUST rely on one skill to win, something is wrong with your build. Also, are you using Lvl 1 Cannon or Lvl 10? Before, you've used it on me which was maxed and got around 40 damage with my 28-33 Res (IIRC) which is pretty good because it ignored 20% of it + it was NOT a Crit. You cannot expect it to do 50-60+ damage, that is already too much unless it's very strong Ultimate.
Oh btw, Bunker > Cannon in terms of damage, purely because Mercs don't have BL and BMs do which gives it advantage. For the same reason, SC doesn't stack with BL since it'd be too much. This was said before already, even by Staff.


With high support I tested max Intimidation on high strength builds they laughed because they still had high strength and still got high damage with strength based skills and weapons.

Laughs are relevant because? Don't max it obviously, perhaps that's why they laughed? It's already efficient at around Lvl 6-8 so you pay less EP & it's quite good, especially after Strength was re-scaled. Mine does -36 Strength at Lvl 7 and it works fairly well, even on these max Mass CHs with Malf (Energy Shield + Intimidate works perfectly fine) as well as any other class. Remember, effective Shield has to be trained to be useful not put at Lvl 1 and hoping for drastic change in damage received.
Btw, if it doesn't work - like you've claimed MANY times - then report it as a bug. You rarely report it and expect it to be fixed. Contradiction already. If you won't report your potential 'bug' then it won't be fixed. Or things are fine and you're doing the math wrong.


When I was doing a high dex build with extremely low tech every match I got malfunctioned.

Using Smoke on you would've been.. stupid. Better Malf and reduce your Res to that of ~0 and deal maximum damage. This is common sense y'know.


For reroute you might as well suggested 100% return because 30% at level 10 is more than generous.

Oh sure, why not. And BL + Reroute skill for BMs like you've suggested in the past? ^^

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 14:34:17)


If you MUST rely on one skill to win, something is wrong with your build.

Probably the most important sentence ever uttered in the Epicduel Balance Forum.

Its absurd how often topics are brought up calling things overpowered just because they're a counter to the player's strategy.


No debuff, including intimidate, should be buffed. In fact, they should all be nerfed a bit. The numbers are from an old system with more stats to go around. Since they take a larger percentage of your stats now, they should be nerfed a bit - a couple of points from the base level.

Intimidate is a whole different story than malfunction and smokescreen because it is a defensive debuff, not an offensive one. I support buffing it.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 15:34:13)

Intimidate most definitely needs buffing now as strength scaling became slower. If intimidate was buffed, level 4 intimidate would do more than remove 4 strike damage from a build with 80-ish strength.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Buffs (and Nerfs) 101: With Reason (3/11/2013 18:05:37)

Trans, That was with extremely high tech was it not and i should have gotten more damage since you like doing a screen shot of my builds but Bunker Buster with half the tech still gets more damage and crits more often, I have no idea why you and many others still fail to see that. When I was using a high dex/support build Bunker Buster Crit on me even more. You know better when I do a Plasma Cannon build it is to the max. If I just rely upon just one skill to win matches then why on earth would I have a support/dex or a support/tech or a dex/tech/support or a super support/strength. When you see me with just one skill I am testing that skill something you do not want to do and to show players how pitiful the skill is at extreme stats. A player saw my extreme dex build/Plasma Rain he begged to use Plasma Rain and all I got was 32 damage on one and 27 damage on the other he stated,"that's it!" so just imagine it at lower dex.

Intimidation I used on a tact merc with max Double Strike becuase it does not affect weapons damage he still got 40+ damage so unless they make it where it decreases weapon damage or increases damage of your attack as malfunction and smoke screen does no matter how much you buff it they will still get weapon damage.

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