RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Insane2201 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:00:39)

I miss the helpful Asuka.

Also this is the problem with 5 different map zones, not counting the dungeons. There are just to many nooks and crannys for one character to be hidden.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:00:52)

Yup. I just beat a Sword Nomad, Ice Nomad, normal Nomad, and Shadow Nomad. And now I'm fighting Sword Maiden.

Tally -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:02:23)

Maybe we should assign ourselves to certain zones? xD Certain people checking certain maps on release days..more organized hunting.

Valeris -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:03:20)

I picked up pillager but not raider unfortunately. Haven't seen one yet. I'd like to get raider to continue my trend of getting all rogue like characters in the game.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:04:10)

Could you share where you encountered Pillager?

Valeris -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:08:11)

East map, up in the top left corner. Funny story, I was originally looking for the ogre bandit and read the wiki wrong, and then he was one of the battles before I realized I was in the wrong place.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:11:35)

If it's not too much trouble, do you think you can take a screenshot showing where?
Positions are hard to describe.

Valeris -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:13:57)

The position on there.

Edit: Under the tab North West.

Leprechaun -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:14:03)

Where is the Orc Bandit again? :D

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:14:59)

there is no orc bandit also i think he means L6 on east map

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:16:04)

EDIT: It worked like a charm! Orc Raider!

East Map, second Mountain. You'll know you got the right mountain when Orcs start to appear.

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:19:57)

i dont think its there anymore though i could be wrong

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:23:24)

Master rank: Orc Raider (no basket for Grandma included)
No evolutions, as expected.

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:23:48)

omg u found it there?

Leprechaun -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:25:28)

Thanks *Gives FBoD*

Insane2201 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:26:31)

That top right hand area/cornor seems to be random spawns. You could get the same thing by just hitting PvE in town.

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:26:36)

what is the background there? cause all i see are mountains

EDIT: can someone please respond? cause i might have to gtg soon and i want to catch this thing first

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:35:10)

Tell me if you manage to find an Orc with the PvE button. It would save everyone a ton of searching. Plus there's probably places on the map with higher than normal spawn rates for those 2 Orcs. This corner could be one of them...

Top left corner of the east map, clearing. Forest backgrounds. Exactly as Valeris described in his link. Good luck!

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:36:41)

screenshot? i still am not to sure where exactly

Leprechaun -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:39:53)

You now posses ogre bandit :D
The Ogre is also at the mountains?

EDIT: Thanks :D

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:40:09)

yup leprachaun

Insane2201 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:42:28)

@Leprechaun: Yeah the normal ogre.

aleony -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:45:11)

found pillager on the top right of the normal map

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:50:31)

Dragon go Boom owo

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIX - READ THE FIRST POST (3/9/2013 2:52:16)

I'm glad you got over that Depression, Asuka. Good for you! :D
Nobody wants a mopey Time Lord!

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