Skill Separation (Full Version)

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Giras Wolfe -> Skill Separation (3/10/2013 18:22:37)

This issue has come up in miscellaneous places, but I think it needs its own thread.


No skill is overpowered by itself. Its the combination of skills in a skill tree that allows them to be overpowered. The same passive or active skill may have a completely different function and effect in two different classes.
For example: Buffing Reroute to keep up with the bloodlust buff may be necessary to help Tech Mages, but may make it too easy for tactical mercinaries to heal loop because of Mineral Armor.
Similarly, the recent buff to bloodlust may have been necessary to keep blood mages afloat, but caused issues to arise with Bounty Hunters because of the higher damage output from smokescreen.

Skill separation. That is, giving skills in "evolved classes" a different name and appearance but exactly the same effect.
For example, giving Blood Mages a skill called "Acotyle's Wrath" or "Blood Magic" or something like that with the same effect as Bloodlust, but if necessary the exact % damage can be tweaked for one class without affecting the other.

First of all, this would give evolved classes a more distinct identity and give them more potential to be unique in the future. (That is, if we want a CH malfuntion to scale with a different stat than an TM malfunction, that could be done easily.)

Secondly, it would make balance tweaks much more precise and effective.

Third, it would help allow distinctions between "primary" and "secondary" passives. For example: Bloodlust, Reroute, and armor enhancers are "primary" passives because their effects are powerful game changers. Shadow Arts, Adrenaline, and Deadly Aim are all secondary passives because they are helpful but not necessary to play that class. The reason Tactical Mercinaries were nerfed to death is that they received two Primary passives. Now, the whole classes skill tree has been reduced to crap because having two primary passives is too powerful. Skill separation would make it possible to have a secondary passive version of the same skill -- that is bloodlust or reroute at a significantly lower % so they can be given to a class that already has a good passive. I'm not saying such a thing is necessary in the game right now, but the ability to give a class a strong primary passive then tack on a mini-bloodlust or mini-reroute would be helpful as the game develops.

If this isn't already on the devs to-do list, it should be. Its an important step for balance.

Mother1 -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 18:31:01)

I support this idea 100%. The fact that the classes don't have their own skills is just plain silly. With separate skills for every class they can buff or nerf one class without overpowering or under powering another. Why they haven't don't it yet is beyond me.

Wootz -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 21:10:20)

I'm supporting.
Honestly, no class should have same skills. Everything can be unique without much problem. And weren't we told that the evolved classes will receive a new multi and ultimate skill?

Hun Kingq -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 21:31:43)

Amazing Giras Wolfe that you have not been bashed or degraded yet for even suggesting what I suggested before Omega and even gave the new classes new skills and some of those new skills probably soon all of them I suggested was used as skill cores, it is on Titans to do list since Delta, they keep mentioning it but never give any updates.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 22:32:47)

Fully supported. As I've said before, bloodmage is doing great since the bloodlust buff, but bh's are too strong now. This would be the easy and logical solution.

Wootz -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 22:41:01)

Hun, I know exactly what you suggested. Quit being over your head and crawl to the pity place you live called "real life" only by yourself. :*

Bloodpact -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 23:25:51)


Nobody should share skills, BM and BH should have a similar skill
with a separation of required stat and maybe one is better early on
and the other is very good early on and doesn't need too many points.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/10/2013 23:32:07)

I'm certaintly not claiming to be the first one who's ever thought of this, just bringing it back to attention because that's where it needs to be.

Bloodpact -> RE: Skill Seperation (3/12/2013 9:47:37)

And you will amass fan's by doing so. Always nice to see a good idea for once.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: Skill Separation (3/13/2013 12:28:45)

This idea is good. Very good. It will help balance one without unbalancing the other.
You have my undying support.

RabbleFroth -> RE: Skill Separation (3/13/2013 14:56:55)

Omega actually set us up in a place where this is a bit easier to pull off than before.

Even with that helping us, it's still a significant amount of work to rename all of the skills, then create new icons, animations, buff/debuff effects, etc. for them all. There's also the consideration of having two different skills that do exactly the same thing with potentially different energy costs, requirements, damage, and more. Potentially confusing or annoying for newer players.

I think it would be more worth our time to adjust the skill to something the class specifically wants on an as-needed basis. You are absolutely correct that this would help in the balancing effort.

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