St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 1:28:48)

What do you guys look forward to from the event (if there will be one)?

Is there a certain type of item you want?

Are you thinking of any new cores you made up?

Xx.Nemesis.xX -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 2:25:58)

I would personally enjoy a very put together (relatively simple but with nice animations) Energy sword. The core imo should be something that negates luck.
Such as "Negates crits and blocks for 5 turns" or something along those lines. That wouldn't be to OP as it is all random anyway. But it could be the insurance some
need when they are on there last stand and want to hit the finishing strike.


Edit: Wouldn't it be cool if they found a way to make a physical sword? As when I see green I tend to think of light which makes me think about energy.
Physical wouldn't be bad at all...

rayniedays56 -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 2:32:43)

I look forward to some St. Paddys day rares coming back, of course.

Promo maybe? A robot leprecaun that shoots rainbows in physical, while buffing all stats by 10% for it's special?

Patrick the Leprecaun

Physical Robot:
13 damage


Rainbow Slash (normal attack)

Gold. Gold? GOLD?! (buffs all stats by 10%) (4 turn cooldown)

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 2:34:24)

Maybe st pattys has to do with the Secret Package?

Striker44 -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 6:16:24)

Celtic Clever for my alt & a new St.Patrick armor

Giras Wolfe -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 13:51:44)

Active Skill Core: Luck O' The Irish - Your next attack cannot be blocked or deflected, and has a 5% increased critical chance.

This would not be OP because it takes your whole turn to activate and has no other effect.

Lycan. -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 14:11:12)

I'm hoping to see Celtic Cleaver coming back.

Wootz -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 17:45:21)

"Hey kid, I got some gold coins in my van. Wanna come?"
*few secounds later
"Ouwie, ouwie!"
"What? You don't like gold?"
"The gold coins are hurting my fingers!"*

All aside, Moar missions! :D

*Smosh reference

Dual Thrusters -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/11/2013 21:20:31)

@ giras

Great Core!
Though remove the crit chance part because that COULD be OP

aurther13th -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/12/2013 1:00:19)

where is the forum about updates and any events coming up, such as the code that was given out the other day or any holiday events.

Jekyll -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/12/2013 4:02:50)

How about... a passive core that rewards 12 more credits after every battle?

King FrostLich -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/12/2013 6:56:45)

Can we have skill cores that increase the chance to die survive?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/12/2013 8:05:06)

anyone want a mutating weapon version of celtic cleaver? i can make it

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: St. Patrick's Day is comin'... (3/12/2013 8:38:59)

^ Would be nice, but i prefer swords :D

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