After the Fall (Full Version)

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The Lich King00188 -> After the Fall (3/12/2013 19:38:07)

This is something I wrote a while back and haven't had any new ideas since other than maybe an ambush of some sort. well enjoy

I looked down at the ruined town and I admit I cried. The town of Battleon had seen better days. That was an understatement: the Guardian Tower was missing its upper half, all the wooden buildings were rotted down to the foundations and the only two standing buildings were going to run out of the magic that was keeping them together within a few years.
I sighed and started towards the secret entrance to the underground lab. Had to clear away a lot of junk that had magically collected in the few days I was away. The elevator was rusting and creaked as it moved.
The lab was still in excellent condition but was silent most of the time still. The hamsters all left, the art room’s silent, no one to lounge in the lounge, no more paint bombs, and the armory didn’t let out explosions anymore. I walked into the armory and deposited my equipment back into its respective places, J6’s Revolvers, shotgun and goggles, Cysero’s Magic Hammer, and the patchwork of Paladin Highlord and Blade-master armor.
I stopped and gently touched the 4th anniversary photo of me and all my friends. Ever since nulgath had opened a portal to his new dimension and captured and executed most of Lores heroes and villains I had been working around the clock to save as many innocents as I could. Most of the evilly aligned had been unaffected but the legion had been decimated and Dage had gone into hiding.
I heard a whine and went to find Daimyo. Ever since Artix had fallen in battle against Nulgath he had been in a state of perpetual mourning. I found him curled up under Artix’s broken armor and the shattered remains of the blinding light of destiny, now only normal steel shards.
I kneeled down and scratched his head. He whined again and his head drooped back to the ground. I dropped a bowl of food in front of him and started back to the lounge to make something for myself.
As I neared the door I heard a massive boom and the whole compound shook. I had always known this day would come but I hadn't expected them to find the lab so soon. I rushed into the armory and started to strap on the full highlord armor. As I finished tugging the last piece into place a crash echoed in from the lobby and I knew the lab had been breached. I ran into the back and grabbed onto the handle of the blade of awe. As I did a wave of memories washed over me: adventuring with my friends, finding the pieces, Valencia conferming it was real, Cysero and Yulgar forging it into a whole, presenting it to the Paladin Order.
I shook my head and brushed the memories away. This was no time for distractions.

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