Eventus -> RE: filter this word (3/16/2013 9:51:36)
This goes hand-in-hand with what I said on why the word "noob" will never be filtered. As I and many wise souls have said before me, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." And it's true. Talk is cheap, and so are what it's embodied of: mere words. The Staff cannot dictate every emotion, however negative, that is expressed in the game. For that reason, we have aimed to stick with a policy of controlling to what extent certain negative emotions are expressed by only filtering words that are deemed by popular consensus and culture as obscene, profane, uncivil, inappropriate, and/or utterly offensive. It is human's natural tendency to desire to express oneself, and that tragically includes pride, contempt and simple rudeness. So if we were to filter the word you suggested—"owned"—then we'd only be taking a step towards accomplishing an impossible mission, which is to completely outlaw the expression of a solitary emotion. Fact is, history has repeatedly proven to us that whenever measures are put into place to ban the use of certain words, then attempts to go around those measures are always made by the mischievous or the malicious. Take for example, the word "noob." We've already seen the colorful variety of its variants used in multiple communities over time, such as n00b, n008, nub, nuub, froob, choob, doob, n0000b, nuuuub, nubcake, noobcake, froobcake, choobcake, and so forth. So even if by some miracle, we managed to filter all of those variants, we'd doubtlessly see a new trend arise using an alternate word... like maybe rather of "noobcake," people will begin calling each other "pancakes" or "cheesecakes" instead. It'd hardly help to filter out all of those as well, as a new trend will always arise when one falls—you just can't ban an emotion when people want to express how they feel. Otherwise we'd probably end up filtering every delicious food, delicacy and the likes until everyone has run out of nouns to scream vulgarly at each other. It's honestly just not worth spending all that development time trying to create a utopia. [;)] Thus, for the aforementioned reasons, unfortunately your suggestion will never be implemented. As such, I'm going to wrap up the discussion in here. Padlockin' up.