Rarity (Full Version)

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The Incredible Hulk -> Rarity (3/15/2013 18:45:44)

I haven't checked my rarity for a year. So I decided to waste 500credits and check.

*Last year I had 20k of rarity score

*This year I........Have...... 70K Rarity score!

I improved by triple the amount (and a half) of what I got last year.

What was your difference from the last time you checked your rarity score to now (or a recent one when you did check your rarity score)?
-I improved by 50k of rarity score from last year

Oba -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 18:53:58)

Cant remember how much I had last time I checked... but now I have 156k, w00p!

Master Smasher -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 18:57:36)

6k, BITE ME! [8D]

Demon Emperor -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 19:13:12)

The first time I checked was actually a few weeks ago, to get the Treasure Hunter cheevo. I added up the rarity scores of all my items using the wiki and a calculator to make sure I didn't waste 500 credits. ;p
My score was a little more than 25500.

DeathGuard -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 19:14:33)

I got 34275 rarity score ;3

Exyo -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 20:24:45)

I believe mine is 78,547

King Helios -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 20:36:03)


Mother1 -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 20:40:38)

Mine last I checked was 69K

Trae -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 20:50:35)


Ranloth -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 20:52:38)

If I didn't sell my duplicate Deathbringer, it'd be higher.. 93,584 here. >_>

Samurai_ED -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 22:04:54)

103,451 Rarity here.

beastmo -> RE: Rarity (3/15/2013 22:20:12)

154k rarity

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 5:38:56)


Not bad for a delta, as everyone who has above it here is atleast beta

ReinVI -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 5:52:33)

62k for me

santonik -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 5:56:17)

84k me ^^

rayniedays56 -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 6:54:22)

27,288 for me. Which is like 100,000,000 to me since I have been known to sell rares...

*delta weapons, infernal interdictor, delta destroyer, NUMEROUS armors, easter weapons, celtic weapons, Azraels curse, yada yada yada....*

8x -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 8:04:16)


JariTheMighty -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 10:58:14)

30,370. But considering I have 30 max inventory space and have bought all my weapons with credits I find it moderately good.

ansh0 -> RE: Rarity (3/16/2013 11:04:48)

Bit over 25k.

Hard boy -> RE: Rarity (3/18/2013 16:08:47)

around 20k :/

aurther13th -> RE: Rarity (3/18/2013 16:41:56)

4,564 here lol, i think my pumpkin clever and elite char E axe is the only 2 lol

Practel -> RE: Rarity (3/19/2013 1:38:52)

264,274 here. Since Late Alpha, early beta.

redclaw -> RE: Rarity (3/19/2013 5:25:20)

around 10k.... been here since beta and never really bothered collecting rares until i realised tht there was a cheevo for doing so.. >.<

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Rarity (3/19/2013 16:07:40)

2,548 :D Lmfao.

Assassain11 -> RE: Rarity (3/20/2013 16:36:58)



I wish I bought Gamma Bot while I had the chance >.<

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