Weapon Ideas from Three years ago (Full Version)

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fishb8123 -> Weapon Ideas from Three years ago (3/16/2013 2:53:10)

So here are some weapons I drew about 3 years ago before I left ED
I found them in my photobucket account



MOAR weapons

Christmas ones

Ulike?[:)] Feedback pls.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Weapon Ideas from Three years ago (3/16/2013 3:10:06)

you are meant to post it here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20825231 that's what this thread is for.

-robot looks messy, made up of random shapes, i think you need to some reference and put parts on it that actually fits in and makes sense.
-the weapons are made of random shapes again, they lack a theme, try to stick to a theme and avoid using random shapes that looks like that it has been stacked together to form a zooka shape while not appearing to be much appealing.
-the weapons from the second link is a bit better than the first but it still is make up mostly of random shapes, use reference images next time.
-for the third image link, 2/6 weapons actually managed to look okay while the other 4 still needs improvements, the blade of the sword requires some editing. most of the images in this link looks okay because you chose a theme.

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