Cracked Skull Club (Full Version)

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Koree -> Cracked Skull Club (3/16/2013 8:13:14)

Cracked Skull Club

«Magic Darkness weapon. Special Attack drains a percentage of monster's HP and heals player. Stronger for Necromancers and weaker for Paladins.»

Also see other Skull Clubs ( «Normal», Rotten, Lumpy, Calavera)

Level: 130
Power Level: 130
Price: 2,729,352
Sellback: 1,364,676
Location: Necromancer Shop ( Necromancer Class and The Edge of Extinction)

Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
Damage: 13-30
BTH: 16

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
**Base: (15/2.6)% of Monster's Base HP
**Random: 0 damage
    This damage is multiplied by *[0.00004*(DeltaLevel^3)+0.0008*(DeltaLevel^2)+0.0183*DeltaLevel+1]/sqrt(Monster Power).

    Here, DeltaLevel = (130 - MonsterLvl). DeltaLevel is also modified based on your active class:
    • If you are a Necromancer, DeltaLevel is multiplied by *1.5 if it's above 0; otherwise it's multiplied by *0.5.
    • If you are a Paladin, DeltaLevel is multiplied by *0.5 if it's above 0; otherwise it's multiplied by *1.5.
    • If you are neither a Necromancer nor a Paladin, DeltaLevel is unchanged.

    The Special does a minimum of 82 damage.
**The Special will then heal you equal to damage done.

Stats: No normal stats; 958% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +51
Rate: 15%

With this big, sacred totem club made of bone, you can bash your enemies with the greatest of ease...and fun! Can also replenish some of your HP!


Update thanks to The Big Guy. Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


The Special damage is based on the monster's Level and Power. The numbers listed are % of monster's max health drained.

If you are a Necromancer:
		150	145	140	135	130	125	120	115	110	...	85	79	72
0.25		9.89	10.28	10.66	11.06	11.54	13.84	18.34	26.22	38.64		100	100	100
0.5		6.99	7.27	7.53	7.82	8.16	9.78	12.97	18.54	27.32		100	100	100
0.75		5.71	5.93	6.15	6.39	6.66	7.99	10.59	15.14	22.31		100	100	100
1		4.94	5.14	5.33	5.53	5.77	6.92	9.17	13.11	19.32		100	100	100

1.25		4.42	4.6	4.77	4.95	5.16	6.19	8.2	11.73	17.28		93.82	100	100
1.5		4.04	4.2	4.35	4.52	4.71	5.65	7.49	10.7	15.78		85.65	100	100
1.75		3.74	3.89	4.03	4.18	4.36	5.23	6.93	9.91	14.61		79.29	100	100
2		3.5	3.63	3.77	3.91	4.08	4.89	6.48	9.27	13.66		74.17	100	100

2.25		3.3	3.43	3.55	3.69	3.85	4.61	6.11	8.74	12.88		69.93	96.11	100
2.5		3.13	3.25	3.37	3.5	3.65	4.38	5.8	8.29	12.22		66.34	91.18	100
2.75		2.98	3.1	3.21	3.34	3.48	4.17	5.53	7.91	11.65		63.26	86.94	100
3		2.85	2.97	3.08	3.19	3.33	3.99	5.29	7.57	11.16		60.56	83.24	100

3.25		2.74	2.85	2.96	3.07	3.2	3.84	5.09	7.27	10.72		58.19	79.97	100
3.5		2.64	2.75	2.85	2.96	3.08	3.7	4.9	7.01	10.33		56.07	77.06	100
3.75		2.55	2.65	2.75	2.86	2.98	3.57	4.74	6.77	9.98		54.17	74.45	100
4		2.47	2.57	2.66	2.77	2.88	3.46	4.59	6.55	9.66		52.45	72.09	100

If you are a Paladin:
		150	145	140	135	130	125	120	115	110	...	0
0.25		1.05	6.2	8.89	10.28	11.54	12.13	12.88	13.84	15.03		100
0.5		0.74	4.39	6.29	7.27	8.16	8.58	9.11	9.78	10.63		100
0.75		0.61	3.58	5.13	5.93	6.66	7	7.44	7.99	8.68		100
1		0.53	3.1	4.45	5.14	5.77	6.07	6.44	6.92	7.52		95.51

1.25		0.47	2.77	3.98	4.6	5.16	5.43	5.76	6.19	6.72		85.42
1.5		0.43	2.53	3.63	4.2	4.71	4.95	5.26	5.65	6.14		77.98
1.75		0.4	2.34	3.36	3.89	4.36	4.59	4.87	5.23	5.68		72.2
2		0.37	2.19	3.14	3.63	4.08	4.29	4.55	4.89	5.32		67.53

2.25		0.35	2.07	2.96	3.43	3.85	4.04	4.29	4.61	5.01		63.67
2.5		0.33	1.96	2.81	3.25	3.65	3.84	4.07	4.38	4.75		60.4
2.75		0.32	1.87	2.68	3.1	3.48	3.66	3.88	4.17	4.53		57.59
3		0.3	1.79	2.57	2.97	3.33	3.5	3.72	3.99	4.34		55.14

3.25		0.29	1.72	2.47	2.85	3.2	3.36	3.57	3.84	4.17		52.98
3.5		0.28	1.66	2.38	2.75	3.08	3.24	3.44	3.7	4.02		51.05
3.75		0.27	1.6	2.3	2.65	2.98	3.13	3.33	3.57	3.88		49.32
4		0.26	1.55	2.22	2.57	2.88	3.03	3.22	3.46	3.76		47.75

If you are neither:
		150	145	140	135	130	125	120	115	110	...	63	54	43
0.25		7.32	8.89	9.89	10.66	11.54	12.88	15.03	18.34	23.15		100	100	100
0.5		5.17	6.29	6.99	7.53	8.16	9.11	10.63	12.97	16.37		100	100	100
0.75		4.22	5.13	5.71	6.15	6.66	7.44	8.68	10.59	13.36		100	100	100
1		3.66	4.45	4.94	5.33	5.77	6.44	7.52	9.17	11.57		100	100	100

1.25		3.27	3.98	4.42	4.77	5.16	5.76	6.72	8.2	10.35		92.1	100	100
1.5		2.99	3.63	4.04	4.35	4.71	5.26	6.14	7.49	9.45		84.07	100	100
1.75		2.76	3.36	3.74	4.03	4.36	4.87	5.68	6.93	8.75		77.84	100	100
2		2.59	3.14	3.5	3.77	4.08	4.55	5.32	6.48	8.18		72.81	100	100

2.25		2.44	2.96	3.3	3.55	3.85	4.29	5.01	6.11	7.72		68.65	94.5	100
2.5		2.31	2.81	3.13	3.37	3.65	4.07	4.75	5.8	7.32		65.12	89.65	100
2.75		2.21	2.68	2.98	3.21	3.48	3.88	4.53	5.53	6.98		62.09	85.48	100
3		2.11	2.57	2.85	3.08	3.33	3.72	4.34	5.29	6.68		59.45	81.84	100

3.25		2.03	2.47	2.74	2.96	3.2	3.57	4.17	5.09	6.42		57.12	78.63	100
3.5		1.96	2.38	2.64	2.85	3.08	3.44	4.02	4.9	6.19		55.04	75.77	100
3.75		1.89	2.3	2.55	2.75	2.98	3.33	3.88	4.74	5.98		53.17	73.2	100
4		1.83	2.22	2.47	2.66	2.88	3.22	3.76	4.59	5.79		51.48	70.88	100

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