Blood Mage Skills (Full Version)

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Drangonslayer -> Blood Mage Skills (3/16/2013 13:25:07)

I don't get why blood mages are suppose to be an offensive leaning class yet they have so many skills that scale off damage and stats. Plasma cannon, Fire ball, Overload, and Multi, and a useless ultimate skill. With these skills not being so great shouldn't they be boosted or changed. Thoughts?

Ranloth -> RE: Blood Mage Skills (3/16/2013 13:50:32)

Not being so great? All but SC are useful. Depends on your build but Overload nor Multi are not useless, very useful when using Dex build especially in Juggernaut. Plasma Cannon is less common but it can be powerful if used wisely. Fireball may not be as common since Strength builds aren't as common, or if they are then they don't train it. At least that's what I can see in 2v2 since it's filled mainly with tanks or Support abusers.

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