=OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Leader -> =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:06:26)


Rolith's Unlockable Shop!

Posted on March 15, 2013 by Nulgath


Game Update v0.6.16

Unlockable Shop

Oversoul's first Unlockable Lifetime Soul Gem Shop is LIVE. Talk to Rolith in the Solace lobby to learn how to unlock the shop holding the New Pactonal Captain!


5 New Characters!

  • Pactonal Captain
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

    Other Updates:
  • Character Sell Backs Should be functioning as of Monday! You should be able to delete your expired X-boost items as well! Only a few issues to fix.
  • Warlic is revamping the battle engine to be more stable!
  • A couple surprises for you to find!
  • Father Time 2012 will stay till 2014 where a New Time character will be released!

    Coming Soon!
  • Card Customization....

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    James Lu
    ArchKnight Oversoul

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:08:16)

    @Mega in last tread
    Thrak is rather expensive to use compared to Savager. I've been playing with both, and personally I prefer Savager as I don't draw 3x Special cards every turn. And the Empower Orc Savager makes him quite the challenge to beat.

    Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:10:07)

    @MegaD Many of us believe BD sucks late game 8D And I noticed that everyone you mentioned bar PD and Thrak were SG chars

    JF's position is debatable IMO.

    Insane2201 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:11:18)

    Welp, Orc Savage is cool. I will work on him later. For now he can sit pretty in my character pool. I sit at 142 souls. I am now working on my minotaur. My current minotaur's level is 15 and at 50% to lvl 16. Taurus is my current goal.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:11:20)

    JF is curently the strongest Ice Character, but yeah. His position can be detatable.

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:24:19)

    Its like every other AE games where secondary currencies' items are very strong like in AQW, a number of AC classes are truly strong. For BD, i find him very strong and he could take down many tough character like Darkon Drago, Pyre Witch at the same level in PvP. It depend on how the player use their character properly which will pursuade them to think its strong. Take Labryth for example, he used Celler Rat and Big Ben and beat some tough character like PD, DD despite being consider weak. It is the players' ability which display the character true potential.

    True though about Thrak and Savagar is a very good character despite it cost SG. In any case, Thrak is still very great in my opinion due to the fact that he is free.

    Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:32:55)


    OBJECTION! Your statement is VERY contradictory!

    Its like every other AE games where secondary currencies' items are very strong

    It depend on how the player use their character properly which will pursuade them to think its strong.

    So far, the only AC(not counting free ones) only classes I know of is AO, which isn't really that OP. Besides, almost everything in AQW is based of off pure showing off >.>
    DF, MQ, AQ and ED work FINE without DCs, NGs, ZTs and Varium respectively

    And yes I know CR and BB are pretty good, I've used them for a while way before he claimed them...

    And BD has his flaws, especially late game... he's powerful and huge, but he obviously doesn't scale THAT well compared to others.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:48:26)

    BD is a glass cannon, it can pack ALOT of dmg, but in return it can't evne take much dmg. VR on the other hand is pretty good. It's a DoT machine with Void Reflection to protect itself with while slowly and painfully killing the enemy with Poison and MoD.

    For some reason I believe Orc Chieftain might be a legendary evo for Orc Savager or Thrak...

    Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 6:53:51)

    You STILL have to pay for it. Every class(bar SGG and that some other blood...thingy) is F2P.

    And yeah BD is a glass cannon, with only VR for defenses which is somewhat unreliable in usual cases...

    Deathknight17 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:03:47)

    Isn't the rev egg also great at defense & DoT?

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:07:10)

    Yes, Rev Egg is good at spamming shields + Void Reflection + DoT.

    Deathknight17 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:18:12)

    VR/VK vs FC, which one would stand victorious?

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:24:19)

    Andlu would be saying VK...but FC is pretty much the winner.

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:40:42)

    Well, thats your own opinion. To me, a number of AC/ZT/DC/NG/Varium items are really OP. Some F2P items can be as strong as the AC/ZT/DC/NG/Varium items. Can't say you are wrong at all.

    When the Elemental Resistance is release, FC will defintetely be the winner due to element advantage. For now, i would think it will be FC because of Greater Heal which heal back the damage it recieve from Poison and MoD while dealing some damage. Sometime VR/VK will win if he drew DoT cards almost every draw which will be a disadvantage for FC since he won't get Greater Heal or Heal sometime in every draw due to number of other cards it get.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:45:19)

    No AC items has ever been OP, AC is just for shortcuts. They don't grant any power at all.

    Those DoT's wont be a big disadvantage for FC. FC deck is not expensive compared to VK and VR's deck. And FC got 2x shields to protect it from the DoT's + Might to make Holy Strike deal +10 dmg. VR/VK's only way of healing is with Life Drain which is expensive to use, overall FC will in mose occasions win unless the FC user is unskilled. Poison is also expensive to use, 4 dmg in 3 turn for 6 energy. FC makes up for that with 5 (7 with Might) energy for 7 (10 with might) dmg.

    Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:51:11)

    Poison is expensive to use? 12 damage for 6 charge isn't expensive at all.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 7:53:59)

    No, but compared to the low cost of FC's deck, it's somewhat risky and expensiv to use. 20 HP regain for 10 energy makes up for that 12 dmg. (And I've drawn Greater Heal several times with FC, so that isn't a problem)

    Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:05:46)

    I understand what you mean, but you're wording it all wrong.

    I don't think the second most powerful DoT in the game, also in efficiency, is ever "risky" to use.
    You also have the same chance of drawing 2 Greater Heals as Double Poisons. And Double Poison vs. Double Greater Heal = FC takes 4 damage in the end.

    Leader -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:06:54)

    Possessed Ogre Shaman, and encountered Ogre maiden straight after, I guess today is my lucky day?

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:20:03)

    Yes, but you got 9 (if you charged up to 19 energy) left, which can be used to throw 10 shields up for 6 energy. Then you got 3 Energy which can be used to regain 3 extra HP.

    Wut, I only encountered Ogre Maiden so far...

    Leader -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:24:31)

    I didn't even realise Ogre maiden was there too!

    On the topic of CC:

    I really hope when available, we will be able create multiple decks for single characters. This would completely change the PvP system, and it would actually involve strategy. I'd be creating decks based upon the element of the enemies I duel for example, and it would just make the game more diverse. Even if we do have to pay or obtain multiple of the same cards to add it to another deck, instead of unlimted use to any character. I'd prefer it like that, as it would mean you will have to work for the cards you collect, and hopefully the 1/1 shown on the card tab indicates we will be able to have more than one deck.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:27:52)

    The 1/1 is for character who got alot of cards. Like Skexis got 23 cards, all those can't appear in one screen so you can goto Page 2, too see the remaining cards. But yeah, I personally hope you can make your own deck. Or atleast some cards from the current deck. Thrak would be better without 3x Counter Strike.

    Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:29:57)

    Well, if we're using perfect situations, then...

    (19 charge)
    Double Poison = 12 charge
    Mark Of Death = 6
    Totaling 18 charge/19.
    Overall totaling 33 damage with 1 charge left. Your defense holds up 33 damage with zero charge left.
    Better chance drawing these cards: Shadow Character due to less cards used.

    Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 8:44:40)

    Huh, I never considered it in that way [:-]

    Oh no, I'm the forum silencer [:'(]

    In other news...

    Ogre Maiden moves pretty fast when attacking...I wonder whether Orc Female's will also move fast when they attack....

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CIV - READ THE FIRST POST (3/17/2013 9:21:05)

    Well, in any case, everything depend on how the player use it well. When Elemental Resistance is out, everything will be balance, light will shine against shadow, fire melt ice, water splash fire and dissolve earth, lighting zap water, ice freeze water, earth crush fire/energy, shadow darken nuetral, chaos chaorrupted light, nuetral justify chaos.

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