button33 -> Prestige... (3/19/2013 9:10:43)
So.. I play COD and Modern Combat and a lot of games... And they all have a level cap. The thing is, when you hit a level cap, the game no longer becomes fun. In those games, once you get to the max level, say level 90, you can keep you level, or you can prestige, meaning you reset your level to level 1, but you keep all your upgrades and gold and stuff like that. So.. Im thinking that maybe ED should have a system like that, where you can prestige at the highest level. It would make the game more interesting, and maybe getting prestige could come with a special achievement, or something. This gives lower levels incentive to level up, and higher levels something to do. After enhancement were taken away, I think this system may actually work. First, there would be a lower gap between level 30 and 35, and a experience level 30 player actually has a chance to beat level 35's. In Omega, a lower level can win. Second, this may close the gap that level 30's are complaining about. Think about it. Assume that there are 1000 level 35 players in ED. If 900 of them decide to prestige, going back to level 1, then there is only 100 level 35 players left. This helps the lower levers, as they now have to fight less level 35's. Basically, this will be going back into a cycle. By the time there level 35's get back to level 30, a lot of the other players have reset back to level 1, and this helps close the gap between levels. I mean, this would give people incentive to level up, or people incentive to keep playing. I know so many people who quit because of nothing to do, and others are just bored... Doing this will allow people to keep on fighting.. Tell me what you think. ~Button