Juggernaught dead :( (Full Version)

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D4RKRAVEN -> Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:17:23)

Juggernaught battlemode is dead now, with support mercs and high tech mages that have 2 hit kills on you....... Please devs, help find a way to bring back this battle mode back!!

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AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:20:40)

Eh, i do admit it is annoying how they can 2 hit ko you with all the luck.

8x -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:23:04)

It is the way it was meant to be when they released it... It should be hard to win, it is 2vs1 battle after all.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:31:58)

Or your build is weak. Despite Support Mercs being there, I can usually kill them in 2 turns (Overload + Multi). If they heal then I just use my Aux. Simple.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:33:05)

@ 8x
I'm not saying it should be easy, but reduce the levelage, becuase for level 35s, omega only decreased the level by 1 from delta.

As for others (lvl 30 jugs and so on) got the level max lowered by 3.

JariTheMighty -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:33:14)

^I just wish they would have made it that hard in the beginning. I love juggernaut but I'd hate to ruin my record because reaching the old numbers is virtually impossible. [&:]

Midnightsoul -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:37:18)

but not killer hard....

The Astral Fury -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 15:47:35)

Honestly I think juggernaut was always suppose to be a challenge, it was a hardcore game type were it was hard to win and during it's release with varuim players having a huge advantage in battle juggernauts won most of the time and it wasn't that hard infact alot of the time it was easy and I think they got it in their head that juggernaut was easy and they should win 95% of the time. The advantage got removed and juggernaut became alot harder and since everyone was use to wining so much and it being so easy it caught them off guard how much more they were losing, however if you make a smart build you can win alot not 95% of the time like before, but a nice amount.

master1351 -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 20:59:23)

I just saw a jugg with 2 loses on my alt n 84 wins n I gave him those 2 loses >:) killed me the 3rd time.They aren't really dead if u see the jugg lb the win rates aren't that bad.That jugg I fought was an alt of the boss of king of war.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/20/2013 21:41:55)

The problem is a single block (and possibly a deflection whether or not you're a strength build, have deadly aim, etc...) will pretty much kill you in jugg. Also, there's a heck of a lot of luck required to win because you have 2 people who are supposedly equipped fully or almost completely with luck-based passive cores.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/24/2013 21:03:14)

Yes juggernaut is totally dead, i cant even win one battle that I have played since omega. If it is possible if the staff can lower the levels that we face. like mabye a level 20-25 if possible then juggernaut might actually be playable again.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/24/2013 21:17:50)

L20-25? You're kidding, right? I can face Lvl 29s and win, but also lose. The lower, the higher chance I have. It wasn't supposed to be an easy mode when compared to 1v1 and 2v2. I'm doing fairly well with ~70% wins ratio build as a BM.

Demon Emperor -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/25/2013 13:26:25)

The problem is all the luck that's bad enough in 1v1 and 2v2 is even worse in jugg. So, either the luck cores need to be fixed, or maybe juggs could get an extra 10 HP in battle. (Like the Bludrut brawl medals for those of you that play AQW).

Coolkid1999 -> RE: Juggernaught dead :( (3/25/2013 14:03:27)

Ive been beaten all day and this guy here is the worst possible tech mage ever he has 35-42 tech and hes leve 28 http://prntscr.com/xswg1

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