RE: How many people still play? (Full Version)

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midnight assassin -> RE: How many people still play? (3/22/2013 20:50:49)

I'm not playing that much because same builds(5 focus to be exact). Most of them have the same build and same strategy so what's the point of playing for me if the outcome could only be changed by luck?

kittycat -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 2:09:15)

I don't play as much anymore, as The Hunters have the benefit of massacre. Also, the builds have no diversity, revealing that the Omega release basically backlashed.

King FrostLich -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 5:07:10)

Only reason why I still play is because this was the only game that I've gained popularity here but ever since everything is basically a dressup game, I play now for friends, free time, keep faction alive and storing bacon in my character

redclaw -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 5:25:44)

only play so tht i dont get kicked out of my fac.....

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 7:47:18)

I have officially quit now. I shall only come online for various reasons.
The new Halo Clan - LevelUpGaming (LUG) is currently going well and have gotten
8members, 4 with changed GT's... Unlike ED, Halo as nic said previously is pretty all about
skill and strategy. Long, Mid and short range weapons. A good team and a brilliant strategy
leads to a victory.

ED on the other hand is pretty much becoming the loop healing "noob" or an abuser of one
class or another.. It's pretty much just BRUTE FORCE. Updates - they ruin the game, deeper in to
the abyss and new promo's change the game back to *Delta/*Gamma.

Overall, I think that the devs haven't taken ENOUGH notice of the public and community.
I don't mean to accuse them of anything, just some advice for the future (I'm 15, youngest Inheritor in
the world, worked with a game called Society Creator - I'm Co developer and I have been
throughout some of the greatest xbox clans).

My advice:

- Take more advice from the community
- Have a 'voting' system where public can choose what can be buffed or nerfed, etc
- Improve on what you destroyed
- Bring back the old, the old is usually better than the new
- Don't muck up/ overwrite code leading to glitches
- Have many discussions to decide whether or not to implement game ideas
- Take advice from other MMO's, not just AE

I hope these few (ish) points help your journey for becoming another big successful game again.
I knew back in Beta it was the most fun with creativity and all.

Another factor I would like to add to this so-called analysis would be; Get more advertising going,
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook Ads, other MMO ads. Etc.



ScarletReaper -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 9:37:07)

I pretty much stopped playing after omega started, then the azreal promo came out, and I've been playing a bit more because they actually make the game a LITTLE bit more fun. After the fun of these weapons wears off a bit, prolly less again. I miss the good old days of beta and gamma. I still hang around the forums just because it's interesting to see some of the ideas and arguments that go on in here. Who knows, maybe the game will get more fun soon. -_-

Vagaran -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 10:00:14)

I've also stopped playing since the G.Y.T.

I just feel like luck is now what decides the favor, either you are lucky or you lose. Whenever I go into battle against a CH or BH with max SA + high dex I already know I won't win, because they'll be blocking me like crazy while I won't block them much...

comicalbike -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 11:14:28)

i play less because the fun has gone

Dual Thrusters -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 12:27:21)

Goodbye J.U.S.T.I.C.E Dx

I rage quit sometimes due to luck, but it usually doesn't bother me.

Xx DooooooM xX -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 12:55:08)

i stoped because it was in delta and the balance wasn't fix i only come back to omega because it is more fair by class wise but during that i would be busy playing skyrim and cod ops 2 and others. but i might stop again because the battles i feel at times are people just copy and pasting builds so i feel as i fought same as before but i actually didn't. Also, i kinda get tired of the 3 battle modes we have so far. we got a new battle mod i be satisfied and would play more often. most of my friends have either don't play Ed of just plain quit at lease most of them.

Samurai_ED -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 12:55:37)

I still play, helping my faction with daily. I was fighting a lot in tourney. I'm just waiting for the easter eggs :) I need something that will make me keep playing (war, tournament, fun release)

xxmirxx -> RE: How many people still play? (3/23/2013 23:09:44)

i haven't play ed for over 2 weeks or so It loss the fun even more now then before.

Verate -> RE: How many people still play? (3/24/2013 1:51:09)

Hello fellow duelists and forumites,

As we all know, unless a few more changes come to EpicDuel this game is headed downhill very fast.
EpicDuel used to be so much fun for me back in Beta and Gamma, the game was decently balanced with a
very wide variety of builds. Winning was about skill, not luck, and these silly things called cores...

Anyways, if this next update doesn't bring something half way new and exciting or at least a couple more balance
changes, I believe my time on EpicDuel will run out. So Devs, Artists and Programmers, please, PLEASE
do something new for the sake of the community.

Stabilis -> RE: How many people still play? (3/24/2013 11:45:47)

Well, let me see here...

It has been approximately 1 + 1/2 months since cores were released (this is not about core inventories), and there was a promise (not a legal binding, just words) that more cores would be implemented into EpicDuel en masse. We started with simple luck cores and I expected them to be temporal in practice. Yet after this time there are still no new cores in stock excluding that core that reduces defences ignored on critical strikes.

I understand that animations are time consuming as well as updating the servers in general, but I am currently not playing because of the 2 reasons which are: drastic balance changes being made instead of sensible changes and also the lack of emphasis on cores which I am cheering for.

Darkeroid -> RE: How many people still play? (3/26/2013 13:13:18)

I played ED for 6 months, quit for 3 months,came back for an year, quit for 8 months,came back for an year, quit for 8 months,came back for 4 months, quit for 2 months, came back for 2 weeks, quit until Omega(4 weeks), came back for a month, quit for a month.

That's my entire ED playing cycle since 1st month of Beta(6 months before Artix merger). Oh and I plan on coming back soon.

Lycan. -> RE: How many people still play? (3/26/2013 13:20:52)

I only play for my faction, but i will carry on playing if they bring up interesting updates like the bunny egg hunt thing and new cores since that is what Omega is all about.

Darkeroid -> RE: How many people still play? (3/26/2013 13:26:44)

And I forgot to mention, I usually have 'game cycles' where I quit one game for playing another and then I quit it again and play another.

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