Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 11:27:26)

I tend to like Rabble's weekly balance updates very much.
There are times where it puts me down because it wasn't exactly what I wanted but it at least hits somewhat the same goal that we're striving for.

Do you guys like it?

gangster a -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 11:29:51)

well i did prefer the daily updates but yeh they are good although i do wish they would give more hints about stuff

ansh0 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 11:45:46)

Love them.

Only they should announce it before release for critique.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 12:01:14)

If they are appropriate sure. But then we have 1 week BL gets a buff and then the next week a nerf, it's getting a bit silly.

I feel like they are just changing things for the sake of needing an update each week. Even if there is no new content to release with these balance updates.

Look at it, since December we have gotten 3 content release. 1) Omega initial release. 2) Frysteland release(was supposed to be released with omega so can I really call it 2?) 3) Frysteland conclusion.

We have gotten more promo packs than friggin content releases!(Omega preorder, omega onslaughter, omega obliterator, azrael pack and botanical gear) This is not the way it should be working imho. This is not the epicduel I know and enjoy...

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that he also took away one of my favorite features in game, War Cannons! Still waiting for those to come back into the game. Been over 9 months since they took those out...

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 12:08:06)

^ Atleast their trying.

Rabblefroth works really hard on balance updates when he has the time.
I do have to admit, some of the balance updates weren't really balance. But I think the game is prettty well balanced now, other than 1 or 2 op builds.
And bloodmage is underpowered (kinda). Just becuase deadly aim is overpowered with techmage doesnt mean they should nerf it for bloodmage.
I would suggest giving bloodmage a new skill that gave the exact same as the old DA.

Ranloth -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 12:30:02)


If they are appropriate sure. But then we have 1 week BL gets a buff and then the next week a nerf, it's getting a bit silly.

I have but one point to raise in regards to this quote: BL received a buff because BMs apparently needed it and it proved to be too much for people thus a nerf. At least they listen to the players. I mean, only thing that was overshot was Assimilation buff. XD

Clutch -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 12:42:42)

Absolutely. It's honestly my favorite part about Omega, I feel it keeps the game fresh and challenging, I love adapting and creating new builds right after balance changes.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 13:14:04)

Str BM is still OP a bit

@on topic
I think they should post a design notes where the ED team shows what they will do with the balance before they update the game to see what other players reply on the forums.

Drianx -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 13:37:04)

Agreed with Smackie.

Seems like the test server has moved to production, because almost all balance changes seem more like experiments made up in a rush rather than well-thought and tested ones.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 13:43:33)

I feel like the weekly balance updates, are counting on Rabble's mood, and the 2 posts about players complaints he read on the forums, but we all know that not everyone are using forums, so + players feedback, you need some studies and testing, 2 testers aren't enough...

Mother1 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 13:47:33)

I think they are doing changes without testing them or looking at the possible/obvious consequences. Also IMHO I don't even think they properly test out these balance idea they are putting into play, and worse to wear when they find out about these problems instead of changing the OP factor back they nerf something else making balance even worse. In other words All I am seeing is them moving the OP factor from one thing to another, or nerfing something that is completely OP into something that is underpowered or visa versa.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 13:54:10)

I think there should be some kind of PTR/balance server for Alpha-Gamma players.

The Astral Fury -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 16:05:29)

These all should have been done durng the intial release of Omega so we knda waited another month for a somewhat not horrible, but still bad game. (Also alot of features were mentioned that weren't even put in makng us all hyped for nothing).

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 16:56:12)

^ Like testing builds on NPCs before you retrain.

lolo666 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 18:32:51)


Well, Actually Yes... I like his updates.
EXCEPT on the IA because it was like a stab on the back for me -.-

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:00:13)


That IA nerf was wayy too bad.

I agreed that it needed a nerf......


Oba -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:11:53)

As always when something have been OP for a long time, people (especially the ones who have abused it) have got used to it and think its "normal". Well guess what, its time to wake up..

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:16:28)


I never abused IA. I treated it like a gammabot. I kept my tech low and even used the special on the first turn. It wasn't my OP move, more like something to use when my gun was on cooldown.

Abusers got nerfed, but the players like me are devastated.

Mother1 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:22:38)

@ oba

I have to agree with you but the infernal android was OP from the start.

axell5 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:24:52)

yeah the max energy you can get back is 10.... AND you have a big chance to block it, the reroute or route skill is a passive, if they do big damage on you you get much energy back, if u block them well.... good for you.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:36:22)

LOL from the start!!!
I was laughing my head off man! I did 100 damage in like 4 turns with that Infernal Android special xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Mother1 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/22/2013 19:38:35)

@ midnightsoul

Back then I remember losing to a Tach merc who has 7 health while I had 90 health all because he raged the laser and managed to crit me with a double 45 45. Worse to wear this was without the war weapon.

Tri Phoenix -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/23/2013 0:13:51)

i dont because he is nerfing all my attacks what i used to win battles

theholyfighter -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/23/2013 0:54:56)

IMO IA got nerfed like how Static got nerfed.

They're usable, but a lot less effective. I did 30 fights after the release and only met 2 players with IA; other builds either use non-Focus ones. Other focus builds use those Yetis instead.

However, it might be kind-of a good news for me. Few days ago I got tired of IA and wanted to use other robots, therefore thinking about the Yetis. However, their special doesn't seem appealing to me(eat your opponent's sidearm/aux??), therefore struggling whether to buy it. Now, I HAVE to buy a new bot! Thinking about those Easter bunnies tho.

ansh0 -> RE: Do You Enjoy Rabble's Weekly Balance Updates? (3/23/2013 1:04:48)

IA deserved a nerf, but they KILLED it.

I usually like your balance changes Rabble, but I think it's time to actually test them before releases.

This was what I was afraid of, completely destroying IA.

It's not even useable anymore.

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