Infernal Android (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> Infernal Android (3/22/2013 19:11:04)

IA definetly deserved a nerf, but the last update just killed it. Here's how I think IA should be like

- take out the one turn warm-up ( Some players like me use the special even when its not at full damage just to be able to use an unblockable)

One time use? Okay now its weaker than plasma meteor especially if it gets deflected. I say:

- If it is a one time use, make it undeflectable and keep the % at 140 (so it will actually be useful)

- or give it the normal 4 turn cooldown and lower it's max damage to 110%. It also resets it's damage every time. (this is deflectable). It will be a little like gamma bot but weaker until you actually get it to 110%.

Oh man IA i hope to restore you to something of more use

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 19:16:02)

Not supported in the least. The infernal android was nothing but trouble since day one. it was vastly OP and no matter what nerf they could come up with due to it being able to not only charge up, but be reusable was still too much.

Now the bot is more think before I use it rather then I can use it now, wait for it to cooldown and then use it again.

Ranloth -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 19:46:40)

It says nowhere that IA is supposed to be like Gamma Bot thus have 2 attacks that are useable more than once. Laser is special attack like other Bots have (Yeti, Pyro Fly, etc.) and you get Physical as normal. Yeti/Pyro is once per battle and have their respectable effect whilst yours has higher damage. Pyro is deflectable whilst Yeti is a Chomp thus deflections wouldn't make sense, hence why it's unblockable and undeflectable at cost of lower damage.

Think when to use the skill rather than spam it for no reason. The effect is higher damage, just like other Bots have their effect in form of abilities. IA was never meant to be like Gamma Bot. Never. Or it wasn't stated that it's F2P copy of Gamma but with funky effect.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 19:55:17)


I'm really fine dealing with this nerf if:

1. Take out the warm-up

2. Make the special undeflectable (still only usable once per battle)

Now the special has more of an offensive use and flexible with most focus builds. And i do not see how it is OP

Ranloth -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:02:42)

Take out the warm-up and that's all. Undeflectable? No. That's pretty much like a core but deals even more damage.


And i do not see how it is OP

Yeah, you. Use the effect wisely, not spam it. Then Pyro Fly should have its effect undeflectable too? And all the other Bots? No.

Cursed Darkness -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:09:18)

Well currently the Infernal Android's Lazer is a one battle move -.- way to go devs made a bot completely useless (not sure if i am allowed to post a link but here i was fighting the overlord guard and i used the infernal androids special and found that it's no longer a cooldown move.)

Here's an Idea as what the OP is saying is way 2 Over powered, make it have the original 4 turn cooldown and have it useable more then once in battle

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:09:51)

^ i do not spam it of course, it's really what i use when my gun is on cooldown

The special being deflectable? so you wait a 9 turns just to see your robot do 15 damage -_-. Even the plasma meteor core can do better than that, and it costs 13,000 less credits

Ranloth -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:11:42)

Focus 5 + 130% damage + good Tech + rage = high damage. Deflected? Then take out the rage since they almost negate each other. Sure, 15 damage. Per hit right, and since there are 2 hits then 30? ;)

Cursed Darkness -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:11:59)

never said anything about it being 9 turns of cooldown i just want it to have it's spec useable more then once but the idea of having no cooldown and nondeflectable is OP and i never said u spam it, but you do have a point of the spec being deflected and only doing like 15 damage

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:17:55)


lol that was to trans, guess the forum lagged updating or something

Cursed Darkness -> RE: Infernal Android (3/22/2013 20:28:09)


must have been a forums lagg, my bad

DA BOSS IS HERE -> RE: Infernal Android (3/23/2013 0:00:01)

Its better now

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