Toffeuy -> RE: This Game.... (3/23/2013 23:08:07)
Cores are reasonably cheap, so almost everyone has equal access to it. Everyone has the same luck, it all balances out out over time. Creativity I believe comes out of a person's skill tree not their stats. Skill still comes up at the top of the list. Omega's been my favorite phase so far, everyone who was just abusing NPCs is now sulking at the fact that they were never good in the first place. I find it hilarious how the people the public recognised as good gets a measly 60-80% on the daily boards. Skill's been playing the largest role since omega began. Now the people who never really had skill cause they NPCed all day are complaining in the forums how everything is unbalanced. Balance is perfectly fine as it is, people only complain because fact is they're not as good as they think. I laugh at all the Bounty Hunter with a ~80% win ratio. I am a Mercenary, recognized by the community as the most underpowered class, and I never bought the azrael promo, which the population calls overpowered, yet I am managing a consistent win % of over 90. How does one go about arguing that? Skill does exist, and it plays the hugest role in the game. Anyone who doesn't say so just has no skill.