megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread CVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (3/25/2013 16:39:37)
Hi guys! Back from holiday. I've been a little afraid to post here though since that warning, since my posts tend to ramble on or go off topic. Anyway, I've been thinking...since that 2nd Character Creation Contest is coming up, I've decided to go over the top, although I may need some help with that and I'm not sure if I can depending on the rules. I'm gonna suggest not one but 9 different suited gentleman style characters for the contest!* Of course, I need 9 different themes (one for each element), I need 9 different artworks (WHich is the really tough part since I can't draw and that one stick drawing took me a hour) and a really long Twitlonger Post. I already have Nuteral (Gentleman) and Energy (Zesler). *This may (read: almost certanly) turn out to be nothing more then tired induced insanity that i'm not really thinking though at the time.