jugg weps (Full Version)

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Renegade Reaper -> jugg weps (3/23/2013 22:30:19)

how about weapons specifically made for juggernaut mode, only useable in jugg mode (by juggs)
you could only get them if you had either/ both gold/ silver skull cards. they would be expensive,
obviously. perhaps with a double edge approach. for example, the passive chance to to 110%
damage, but with the risk of doing 85% or 90% damage. something along those lines.

my random idea of the night. COME AT ME, YOU PIRANHAS! [:D]

Samurai_ED -> RE: jugg weps (3/23/2013 22:37:00)

SUPPORTED I actually like this idea for all the juggernauts out there. They need to look like they fit juggernauts though. Not just any weapon.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: jugg weps (3/23/2013 23:31:20)

Sounds like a neat idea for something like a passive core, but why for only jugg?

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