delta knight (Full Version)

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DARK SOUL OF HELL -> delta knight (3/24/2013 16:18:50)

how about making it sell-able.
for me it is useless , i have the frost reaper and i like it way more and i would to gain some cred and varium from that armor .

Teufel Hunden -> RE: delta knight (3/24/2013 20:58:55)

Not supported in one situation mainly due to so many people being "hacked" or "scammed" in the past and losing all the weps. In this situation you have some weapons that you will forever have therefore making your return after the incident not as hard. BUT, strongly supported if you have multiple items of this type and the ability to sell the multiple ones but keep one as permanent inventory.

I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

~Da Bomb Expert

DARK SOUL OF HELL -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 4:46:44)

by that logic every thing should be unsellable .
your saying that i can't benefit from the delta knight with some credit and varium cause some people are getting hacked ?
what does that have to do with me ? and y delta knight ? it's core is kinda useless and not that affective in battle , i rather sell it then keep it

odsey -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 5:00:39)

Useless? Try combining it with omega override if the opponent has a high support. It reduce you opponent support by 60% if combined.

DARK SOUL OF HELL -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 7:05:15)


Useless? Try combining it with omega override if the opponent has a high support. It reduce you opponent support by 60% if combined.

so it only useful against a supp abuser and if i have omega weapon ?
wow what a armor man .
try comparing the curse to charmain fury and frost bite .
those are cores not something like that useless curse .
even if it is useful y is that armor unsell able . i just don't get it :s

odsey -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 7:10:40)

@Above not true, it could be it is actually a useful core.And you do not need to have override to use its potential.

DARK SOUL OF HELL -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 7:33:08)

dude i actually don't care if it is useful or not and i can't convince me that is it useful cause i use it for so long and i know what it does to me in a battle.
all i am saying is that it should be sell-able

odsey -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 7:45:06)

Ultra rare item are not meant to be sellable if I'm not mistaken.

redclaw -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 10:50:50)

^ some ultra rare items can be sold like deathbringer....

Ranloth -> RE: delta knight (3/25/2013 11:04:07)

These are gotten through codes, not official promos.

odsey -> RE: delta knight (3/26/2013 6:08:20)

@Trans thats what I mean.

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