What are the Rules? (Full Version)

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Starstruck -> What are the Rules? (3/24/2013 23:41:27)

Creativity is not stifled by bounds, but instead amplified. As long as there are rules, there are rights - it is why government as a whole is so popular. In the jungle, there are no rules, but there are also no rights. In short, nothing is protected, just as nothing is limited.

In order for any world to stand up, it must have Rules. Some Rules are strict (no magic); others are unique (any element except Fire).

What Rules do you think would be interesting? What kinds of Rules did you enjoy?

Arthur -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 3:00:13)

Wait wait wait. Okay, now I am confused.

Rules as in No Spamming, No Godmodding, No Flaming etc.?

Legendium -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 4:15:19)


I think Starstruck means specific RP rules. Let's say in "Welcome to the Clubs" there was a rule that said your character couldn't use magic unless he was a mage. I think those kinds of rules are what is meant. And I fully support them. Having side rules makes things much more interesting, and you have to solve problems while abiding by them.

Arthur -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 4:24:56)

Oh, so more like Role restraints.

Hmm... This is a tough one. As much as I'd like to contribute, I am drawing a blank.

Perhaps something said here might spark my mind off.

Mirai -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 7:24:12)

For possible idea-sparking purposes, some specific 'Role restraints' used in the past include:

- Only having abilities related to 1 element (Elemental Championships)
- Magic abilities being hampered/randomly misfiring (Krey's Purity RP, which was set in a land where magic was dying out)
- 'Powerful' characters being excluded (lots of RPs do this implicitly, but Challenge of the Cotterie did this explicitly, by saying that the sentient dungeon being raided would directly attack powerful characters, seeing them as a threat, whereas lower-powered characters would be able to sneak in).

dethhollow -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 9:12:22)

@ Star

To be fair, there's such a thing as being too restricted, but I always enjoy it when there's a set of guidelines you have to form a character around, if that's what you're saying. It keeps people from re-using characters and makes them use some creativity in thier design. The RP that immediately comes to mind is Sparky's Project D.N.A. where characters had to be based around a phobia in a post-appocalyptic setting. While it was still when I was kind-of getting the hang of RPing and my first character wasn't that great, my second was a freakish split-personallity clown man that could kill people with a confetti smokescreen. Too bad it didn't last long enough for him to do anything memrable....

I wish there could be restrictions on characters more often. Helps people stick to the intended style of the RP.

TJByrum -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 9:58:34)

Specific restraints can help define a character as a whole. No one wants to be around a bunch of jack-of-all-trades. To me, I believe characters should generalize or focus on a specific path. We should then use our strengths and weaknesses to overcome the enemy rather than just one character have every single capability to defeat the enemy alone.

superjars -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 18:58:53)

In my opinion, the best rules are the ones we impose on ourselves when we build a character. As you build a character, you infuse a set of rules and guidelines that they must follow. This helps give your characters depth and makes them interesting (similar to what TJByrum said above).

In terms of General RP Rules, my favorite is to start people at the base level of abilities and force them to find and get what they want. Want to make a archer-type character? Here you go, have a slingshot. Want a melee beatstick? Here, have a tree branch. To start a character from low power level and improve them through the course of campaigns and dungeons is a great opportunity.

TJByrum -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 22:47:52)

@Supaerjas: I like that too, but I like playing as characters who are experienced and in a way sort of old.

Starstruck -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/25/2013 23:20:15)

@jars: yes, that is the most fun restriction to play out of all of them. It is basically bio creation in slow motion, which is what has me absolutely crazy about it.

@deth: suddenly tempted to create an RP to see how restricted is too restricted. And that is why jars should/will never let me be a host.

@mirai: Thank you! I forgot to provide examples, how silly of me.

@all: what would y'all think of an RP in which each character is overall fairly average, but has 1 superbly powerful skill/trait/feature and 1 extremely negative trait/weakness/feature, such that it balances itself out to the level of just a human being? I think that would be an interesting balance of strength and weakness that perfectly exemplifies the reasons that RPs have Rules (Role Restraints is more specific, but Rules is easier to type).

Legendium -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/26/2013 5:03:22)


That sorta reminds me of "Project DNA" where you were incredibly good at using a power, but you were also afraid to use it. The only problem is, those rules are hard to keep people following. Give them a superpower, they'll want to use it. And even then, there's the problem with what is balanced.

Although things like "I'm one of the best sharpshooters the world has ever seen, but I can't talk" are some pretty interesting rule-sets. Especially the one I gave. The more limited the communication between players, the more creative one has to be to communicate.

Arthur -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/26/2013 5:09:45)


I'm one of the best sharpshooters the world has ever seen, but I can't talk

A very, very frequently used stereotype in all kinds of media.

My character Aerell Aldriem was based on this and even then, he used to talk somewhat.

Legendium -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/26/2013 11:23:29)


Really? I got it off the Idea Channel.....

Starstruck -> RE: What are the Rules? (3/26/2013 15:42:23)

A very common stereotype, but only in theory. Usually, "not talking" means "stoic and manly" rather than what the intent of the idea was, which would bear a closer resemblance to savant syndrome than to stoic, manly sharpshooters.

Besides, most stoic, manly characters end up saying lots of stuff anyway. I'm not sure why this trait is so difficult to keep in mind...a nontalker would literally be mute.

jerenda -> RE: What are the Rules? (4/23/2013 1:55:59)


ORIGINAL: dethhollow

To be fair, there's such a thing as being too restricted...


ORIGINAL: Starstruck

@deth: suddenly tempted to create an RP to see how restricted is too restricted. And that is why jars should/will never let me be a host.

All I have to say about this can be summed up in one word: Twitter. 160 characters. I've already written far more than that in this post alone. How can you be poetic in 160 characters, let alone use proper grammar? And yet...


ORIGINAL: Ronald Huxley

She knew she deserved the dream but she was afraid to open it. What if it was empty?

105 characters. Doesn't even touch the limit and is nevertheless poignant and haunting.

That's all I have to say about that.

Edit: Please don't make a RP that has a post limit of 160 characters. >_>

Starstruck -> RE: What are the Rules? (9/25/2013 22:02:10)

Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a story using only 6 words. His response? "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." My response? "Where did these onions come from?"

get it? 6 words? never mind.

you see what i did there?

okay, one more and i'll stop.

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