Ranloth -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:59:19)
IA has been out for a while too, and yet no one was complaining about it. You must be new here. Ever since IA has come out, people have been complaining.. Because everyone used it? Whether it's IA or Yeti you're on about, players still complained that IA is OP and needs to get a decent nerf rather than band-aids. Amount of players using a Bot doesn't contribute towards balance. This is the worst statement that can be said in terms of balance. Why? So if Plasma Bolt deals 1,000 damage but only 3 people use it, does that mean it shouldn't get a nerf? Because not everyone abuse it? <_< Yetis were fine, whether it was the old one (base) or the upgraded ones, they weren't ever a problem. Instead, they were UP until the special was made unblockable. Before that, it was blockable AND once per battle. Fair, yeah? People still used IA, after Yetis were out, likewise with some Gamma Bots, and Assault Bots for some, and I did see during the Strength abuse that Azrael was popular again. Competition for Yetis? Or rather poor excuse after IA was nerfed so Yetis are nerfed as well. There isn't even a balance issue there. You didn't even provide numbers but biased statement that won't be even considered by Devs. Balance doesn't mean bias.