Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (Full Version)

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AQWorldsFarmer -> Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 16:56:51)

Give the yeti special a 3 turn warm up!

I think this would be fair since IA was dramaticly nerfed due to the yeti-users.

Now its time to see what they say when we nerf their robot.

Vagaran -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:01:24)

Seriously? -.-

First Gamma Bot should be nerfed and now Yetis.

The Yeti special never was OP, IA however was OP.

Tell me, why should Yeti be nerfed, just because IA got nerfed? How is it fair?

King Helios -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:02:34)

It wouldn't affect it that much.

Maybe, instead of that:

1) Make it do 5-10% lower damage.


2) Make regular attack -1 damage.

Lycan. -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:05:37)

Seriously too much IA abusers asking for all other bots to get nerfed because their precious IA got pounded.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:07:36)

^ you just admitted it was overly nerfed.

King Helios -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:16:50)

I think, Infernal Android abusers will start complaining about Bio Borg.

Mother1 -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:18:25)

Not supported in the least. Just because the infernal android finally got the nerf it needed to take it off it's pedestal doesn't mean that every bot needs to be nerfed. If you have an issue with the infernal android being over nerfed (which IMO it wasn't) do two things.

1 Take it up in the balance section of the site since this is something about balance not really a suggestion

2 Make it a thread about the infernal android needing a buff not nerfing another bot since it seems you are upset about the Inferno android getting the nerf that we all know it needed.

Ranloth -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 17:54:07)

IA has 3 turn warm-up to deal 100% damage. If you weren't playing during the Infernal War then the Vault Door did the same thing. Pointless nerfs. Nerf one and you'll want the rest to be nerfed. Lovely bias, as always.

Mondez -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:02:20)

Not supported because yetis special in my case with a 5 focus doesn't really do much in the first place. Plus it has a large cool down so the reason to nerf it is invalid.

Ranloth -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:07:33)

I forgot to say:

I think this would be fair since IA was dramaticly nerfed due to the yeti-users.

Lolnope. So you find nerf on IA to be Yeti's fault thus saying Yetis are OP yet someone else says that Gamma Bot is OP, to which I said that after one is nerfed, people will want Yetis nerfed.. And here we go. <_< From the Patch Notes:

This bot could unleash huge, repeatable damage with no downside. This change should make using the bot the more tactical "Can I afford to wait for its full damage" decision we originally intended.

I don't see where Yeti is even mentioned here. Yeti was out year before even and it was fine. It's useable once per battle (Chomp!) and normal attack is blockable. IA could deal 140% damage after certain amount of turns and that damage was getting through tanks very easily, for up to 40-50 damage on Rage (tanks!); yes Rage goes through tanks but they do have some Resistance left since it only ignores 45%.

IA nerfed -> let's nerf Gamma Bot -> let's nerf Yeti --- reason? Because IA was nerfed so let's nerf everything to keep it fair. Just no.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:34:52)

Seriously? I'm pretty bummed about the Infernal Android nerf, but posting a thread like this is kind-of like revenge. If you don't like how something is weakened then, I guess, the right choice would be to post a thread about how to strengthen Android again. Anyway, no robot needs to be nerfed unless it is overpowered.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:48:06)


Yeti was out year before even and it was fine.

IA has been out for a while too, and yet no one was complaining about it.

Why? Becuase everyone used it. (almost)

They complained that it needed a nerf becuase they are using yeti and don't want competition in battle.

Mother1 -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:54:11)

@ aqw

You must be new to the forums because I can tell you there have been complaints about this bot since it first came out. I have seem more infernal android complaint threads about the bot needing a nerf more then i have seen a nerf thread for any other bot. The infernal android was vastly OP and the fact it took them this long to finally knock it off mount Olympics is crazy.

Ranloth -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:59:19)


IA has been out for a while too, and yet no one was complaining about it.

You must be new here. Ever since IA has come out, people have been complaining.. Because everyone used it? Whether it's IA or Yeti you're on about, players still complained that IA is OP and needs to get a decent nerf rather than band-aids.

Amount of players using a Bot doesn't contribute towards balance. This is the worst statement that can be said in terms of balance. Why? So if Plasma Bolt deals 1,000 damage but only 3 people use it, does that mean it shouldn't get a nerf? Because not everyone abuse it? <_< Yetis were fine, whether it was the old one (base) or the upgraded ones, they weren't ever a problem. Instead, they were UP until the special was made unblockable. Before that, it was blockable AND once per battle. Fair, yeah? People still used IA, after Yetis were out, likewise with some Gamma Bots, and Assault Bots for some, and I did see during the Strength abuse that Azrael was popular again.

Competition for Yetis? Or rather poor excuse after IA was nerfed so Yetis are nerfed as well. There isn't even a balance issue there. You didn't even provide numbers but biased statement that won't be even considered by Devs. Balance doesn't mean bias.

Lycan. -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 18:59:58)


Give the yeti special a 3 turn warm up!

Sorry but there is no good reason for Yeti bot getting a warmup, every android users seem to be crying, anyways the reason why IA got 3 turn warm-up on its special is because it has a 1 time use so if someone uses the IA special on the first turn accidentally doing 85% damage it would be quite useless and they would not be able to use it later on in battle.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 19:05:08)

i see all these posts calling for nerfs. nerfing is like sharpening a sword, sharpen once in a while, and it stays
sharp. sharpen it every day, every hour, you are left with nothing but a hilt.
if the devs granted every single nerf request, we would be doing 3 damage with any hit we got. i exaggerate
to make a point.

Mecha Mario -> RE: Nerf IA? Time to nerf yetis! (3/25/2013 20:42:33)

Locking this up. Please post all balance suggestions related to current balance in ED Balance. Also:


I think this would be fair since IA was dramaticly nerfed due to the yeti-users.

IA got nerf, because it was able to dish out huge damage while being repeatable, with no downside to it. The nerf had nothing to do with the Yetis or any other bot for that matter.

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