Bards of War (Full Version)

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Frost Moglin -> Bards of War (3/26/2013 11:49:15)

In the ruins of a battlefield,
A guild rises up,
Not so powerful or great,
But inspiring after all.
Others spend time fighting,
Others mostly communicating,
But we bring the inspiration to the battlefield,
We are the Bards of War.


Welcome to the Bards of War! This is a small but rising guild for all the people who like to make warstories and poems.


Rules must be followed,
as a Bard of War.
Break these rules,
and you find yourself
out of the guild.

1. No spamming.
2. Do not advertise this anywhere.
3. Universal forum rules apply.
4. Good grammar(some typos are allowed and if english isn't your native language, you will not get kicked out, but only PMd about mistakes in words(Unless you don't want that to happen)(Continous mistakes that do not look like typos will get your kicked out.(Including the so called "chat language".)))
5. If you are not active(unless you PM me about not being able to get there for sometime), you will get kicked out. 2 months of unactivity without PMing me or posting at this thread about not getting there for a while will get you kicked out.

How to join:

Being a Bard of War
Is not so easy.
You need to fight for freedom,
and inspire others.
But if you really want to be,
then go ahead.

To join, you will need following things;
Being a DF semiwarmongerer. (50 waves on one war in DF)
Make poetry and/or a warstory(Prove it by giving me a link to the page with the poetry or warstory, or send it in a PM.)
Good grammar. (Also, no spamming)
Be polite.
When you think you fullfill all these requirements, send me the following info:
Character Name: (Not necessary.)
Link to character page: (Necessary. Also if you want a link to it.)
A poem or a story: (Necessary. Either a link or copypaste it there. Also, do you allow your poetry to be used on this page?)
Activity: (How many times you visit the site a day.)


Either see your rank,
or look at others great accomplishments.
Someday, you might be in the top!
Until that, train.

Frost Moglin Character page: 22723285

(Poems made by Frost Moglin, at the Mechquest event "End of the Universe".)
Endless waves of foes,
Millions of the Shadows,
And only a few fighters!
Is this the end?
Can the armies be won?
Are the pilots good enough?
Shadows of the Scythes,
Moving to the planet,
Prepairing to the war,
Soon to be destroyed,
By the honor of the Legendare Warriors!
Barons defending,
Moglins getting ready,
Void creatures fighting,
Runemaster casting spells,
For the planet of the Lore,
The home of the ultimate heroes!

Shadows of scythes rii-siing.
Darkness attacking eeverything.
Nothing on the way of aarmiees,
but a group of heros.
Can the Shadows be wooon?
Are the heroes stroong enough?
Is there anything to stop the assault?

This section is for groups,
for everyone in here.
Are you one of the troops?
Mayby your destiny is near,
can you find it out here?
The groups are the divisions of this guild. There are 3 divisions, The Writers of War, The Motivationeers. Those 3 are explained down.

The Writers of War:
We are the Writers,
masters of stories.
Not really fighters,
We write a series
of long stuff.
That is sure enough.

This section is for all of you who write long stories and long(over 7 rows) poetry during DF wars.

Leader: None
Members: None

The Motivationeers:
We are the ones
who make speeches,
who make poems,
short enough for war threads.
We give motivation to warmongers

This section is for people who like to write short poems, make speeches and otherwise motivate the people at war.

Leader: Frost Moglin

The Drums of War
The battling side
of the guild.
We help the warmongers,
and mayby write something,

This is the warmonger side of the guild, to be here you need to defeat at least 600 waves at any war.

Warmonger Starsaber
Frost Moglin
Lord Ferret

Goals(All-guild goals that when some are completed, I will make some stuff to this post.)
5 members.
10 members.
25 members.
Total waves defeated: 1000
Total waves defeated: 3000
Total waves defeated: 5000
Total waves defeated: 10000
Total waves defeated: 25000
Total waves defeated: 50000
Total waves defeated: 100000.

I know some of these are insane.



Bards of War website

Dragon Heroes

The Vault
The Vault has a list of all the member's gold, updated each sunday(if I remember)
Gold: 0
Dragon Coins: 0

Pictures will come, I promise!

Frost Moglin -> RE: Bards of War (3/28/2013 12:11:39)

Recruiting now! For the first few people who want to join, I can decrease te requirements and if you join with the lower requirements you will get the title "Beginner". Also, for first 3 members I will make a special "VIP Member" title.

deatharrows -> RE: Bards of War (4/21/2013 8:35:27)

Oh this is the bards of war. Good job making this guild Frost.

Frost Moglin -> RE: Bards of War (4/30/2013 13:07:27)

I hope someone joins someday...

TimeKiller -> RE: Bards of War (5/17/2013 20:03:34)

ill join

Frost Moglin -> RE: Bards of War (10/12/2013 12:45:44)

Deciced to remake the ranks. Feel free to request joining through PM.

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