Lucky Bladehenge (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Lucky Bladehenge (3/26/2013 14:17:23)

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Lucky Bladehenge

«Magic Wind Mace with Triggers to Leprechauns and Drakel. Special can heal HP. »

Also see other Bladehenges: «Normal», Guardian, Charmed, Opportune, AuZpicious, Auspicious, Fortuitous, Felicitous, Prosperous, Lucky

Level: 150
Power Level: 153
Price: 22,004,697 Gold
Sellback: 11,002,348 Gold
Location: [url=]2013 Past Rewards[/url]

Element: Wind
Type: Magic
Damage: 16 - 32
BTH: 19

Hits: 2
Element: HP Heal
Type: Magic
Damage: 475.15% Base and Random each
Stats: 943.33% each*
BTH: «Hits Player Automatically»
Rate: 10%

*It gets standard Stats bonus to damage (INT*3/16 and LUK/2 on a Lucky Strike).

  • Against Leprechauns: It deals 110% damage.
  • Against Drakels: It does 97.5% damage and Drakel enemies take -6 BTH. (No BTH damage penalty ie *85/XX)
  • Against Anything Else: It deals 97.5% damage.

    You'd think a Green Weapon would be Earth. This Mean Green weapon reverses expectations being a wind weapon, that triggers on Drakel and Leprechauns and has a rare special that heals you instead of harming your enemy.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


  • Special starts out with 559% Base, 559% Rand, and 1109.8% Stats.

  • It does *2*0.85 damage. With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

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