Faction Rankings (Full Version)

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King Helios -> Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 14:59:20)

Hey guys. I have been thinking, and there are just a few good factions for each mode nowadays; about 5.

Here I go:


1) Truly Clutch
2) Naughty Legacy
3) The Supreme Team
4) Royal Champions
5) Blind Rhyme


1) Legion Guards
2) Bloody Heads
3) xXxSpartan WarriorsxXx
4) Crushers Generation X
5) Crossed Swords


1) King of War
2) Lords Eddye
3) Lost Legacy
4) Dragoes Da Morte
5) ???


1) Truly Clutch
2) Naughty Legacy
3) King of War
4) The Supreme Team
5) Legion Guards
6) Bloody Heads
7) Royal Champions
8) Lords Eddye
9) Crossed Swords
10) Crushers Generations X

So, what are your lists?

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 15:21:54)


1) Legion Kings
2) Truly Clutch
3) XX Super Latinos XX
4) Naught Legacy
5) ???


1) XX Super Latinos XX
3) The Girls of Buffy
4) xXxSpartan WarriorsxXx
5) Legion Kings


1) Neds
2) Realm of The Demi Demons
3) The Ruthless Ones
4) XX Live United XX
5) Legion Kings


1) Legion Kings
2) XX Super Latinos XX
3) Neds
4) Realm of The DemiDemons
5) XX Live United XX
6) HAX
7) Control Alt Death
9) Death Syndicate X
10) Lord Eddye

ansh0 -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 15:26:50)


Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions


Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions

Jugg is obviously...

Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions


Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions
Frost Champions

Not biased.

King Helios -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 15:28:30)


Now, not all time. :)

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 15:28:31)

@ ansh0
Nah Bro, thats not bias at all. ;D

A King helios,

I know :D
When you said best I thought you ment as in hardest contributers for the last couple of weeks, not for today.

nico0las -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 15:56:12)

I reckon there are very few active factions nowadays, but if I had to bet money on 1v1 factions I'm thinking this:

1) MEGANET (Undeniably one of the most influential factions ever. I'm not sure if they're still active or not)
2) Legion Kings (We've seen their potential to win in a very absolute fashion, often winning by 2000+ the second place faction)
3) Truly Clutch (I'm not sure how long this faction is going to last, I don't know much about it).
4) Naughty Legacy (All the other powerful 1v1 factions are retired)
5) None I can think of.

Lycan. -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 17:19:16)

1) Truly Clutch, this faction started recruiting just before Omega and already they have about 15+ daily 1v1 champions.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 17:27:05)

Honestly who cares about what factions can do in the shortrun. So many factions fizzle and pop with each phase of this game. What matters is the long run and there's already a leader board in game for that.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 17:55:55)


That is very true.

I think there is no best faction anyway because there were so many good factions in delta/beta that the factions got very unactive and are not the best anymore.

Not naming them (against forum rules).

Demon Emperor -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 22:16:05)

My categories:

Token Donating-
Control alt Death (6 months ago, before they "retired")

Long term Casualness/Laziness-
The Demonic Deities

The Demonic Deities
Crossed Swords
(Only 2 factions I have chars in. Not biased. @ansh0)

Fastest Rising-
Crossed Swords
HAX (I don't know where they went, but HAX was lvl 1 one day and on top of the jugg leaderboards the next)

Scakk -> RE: Faction Rankings (3/26/2013 22:21:02)

Listing threads are not conducive to discussions. Locked.

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