Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VIII (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VIII (3/26/2013 15:38:38)

[img][/img] [img][/img]
Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VIII

Also see other Summon Dragonchaun Spells: I, Guardian II, III, Z IV, V, VI, Guardian VII, VII, Guardian VIII

Level: 150
Power Level: 153
MP Level: 152
Price: 22,004,697 Gold
Sellback: 11,002,348 Gold
Location: [url=]2013 - Blarney Past Rewards[/url]

Element: Fire
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Dragonchaun VIII as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

Call this gold-loving rare gold dragon from his home at the other side of the rainbow to fight alongside you.


Description from bszoke88

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