Master Smasher -> RE: about luck.... ya get rid of it or dial it down (3/26/2013 15:56:13)
@ed samauri ya, dialing it down is the better option but true, I was playing bounty hunter one time and I removed this guys dex to nothing, I preceded to strike and and kill (since he had 10 hp left) but he blocked, he won the match with a rage aux, I was so mad quote:
I have 50% chance to block and 50% chance to not block. If I don't block, is the enemy lucky? If I block, am I lucky? Or does it work as intended? It's not luck. It's called probability. Unless it's flat 0% or 100%, probability will always happen. Just like Bolt dealing 60 damage and you have 26-32 Res - will you deal 28 damage or 34 damage? Or maybe somewhere in between? If they survive with 1 HP and you dealt 30 damage (4 less than the maximum) - is that luck or just probability? I never said that was luck, I refered when you are literally more capable of winning against someone, it's just a matter of 2 deflects, 1 block and 1 crit will make the difference. That is probability and I do agree. I don't mind it happening, I just don't like it happening too often. If you have a reaoson to justify why you blocked (e.g. a lot of dex), a reason to deflect (e.g. a lot of tech) or a reason to crit (a lot of support), that is understandable, it's when the odds are 95% on your favour, your opponent ends up getting lucky with a deflect more then once, which could change the tide a lot sometimes. What makes it worse was that it happens above average than what you could really expect. Many of my losses are because of this