RAGE! (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> RAGE! (3/27/2013 1:06:39)

How about you and your opponent can see each other's rage? I think it would be able to prepare you for attacks, or make your opponent panic whether or not you will attack or not.


Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 1:29:08)

Not supported.
My azreals will however would support this :p

Nah, would make it far to easy for ppl with azreal gun, opponent loses his rage consistently.

ansh0 -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 1:34:21)

Make it an active gun core ;)

Droidzx3 -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 19:25:46)


Make it an active gun core ;)

Sounds cool! Supported ^^

Mother1 -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 19:38:05)

Not supported especially since the azreal's promo will be available to everyone in a year. Rage would turn into nothing but forced strikes which can be abused big time especially with people who make high defense high block chance builds.

Drangonslayer -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 19:58:42)

If you have experience with the game you can pretty much predict peoples rage unless your not paying attention like me half the times. If they hit lower numbers or have high support expect rage in like 3-5 turns. It just depends and guessing is your best resource.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: RAGE! (3/27/2013 20:00:36)

^ exactly

I can guess pretty dang good[:D]

but I just thought that it could be a little less stressful if we saw our opponents rage meter.

Frost the Phoenix -> RE: RAGE! (3/29/2013 17:42:45)

Its funny how everyone has noticed how Azrael's Anguish could be used to abuse this and haven't mentioned Platinum's Pride.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: RAGE! (3/31/2013 2:37:19)

For PP just use it on the 3rd or 4th turn. Done...

Frost the Phoenix -> RE: RAGE! (3/31/2013 14:23:48)

^Yea your right.
But i do find it funny how some people use chairman's fury to early or after you use rage as they don't get much use from it.

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