"Are you sure you want to leave?" (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/29/2013 10:01:35)

How about adding "Are you sure you want to leave?" when leaving the ED login page when not using the "Logout" button?

It will reduce some of the mistakes when messing with tabs.

s0u1ja b0y -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/29/2013 10:07:50)

this has happened to me many times

Frost the Phoenix -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/29/2013 15:00:13)

Although its more of a webpage feature more commonly used in "trash web adds and pop-ups" i think it should be made standard in all online games to prevent miss log outs.
I cant count the amount of times i have lost a page due to miss clicks cause my my mouse cursor messing up.
I think its not that hard to implement it doesn't even have to be a game update as its a command for the page and not the game.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/29/2013 18:45:19)

This would be great. Earlier today I was fighting a mod and accidentally Xed out the tab just before I was about to win. :/


blade98 -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/30/2013 17:14:44)


The Incredible Hulk -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/30/2013 18:53:39)


Rayman -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/30/2013 19:51:22)

Supported 100%

RageSoul -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/31/2013 5:21:29)

Definitely supported !

Fahim -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/31/2013 8:18:37)


Scyze -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (3/31/2013 9:38:58)

The title told me that it was if you wanted to leave the game forever rather than log out.

Yeah, I like it. I don't use the "Log-out" button since I just close the tab and I do sometimes accidentally close the tab. It will be annoying if you are actually closing the tab. I know MechQuest has this feature and I don't know how it will able to be put into the game. Not all games have it.

Avast Volcano -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/1/2013 17:12:08)


arthropleura -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/1/2013 19:02:55)

Support ._.

DarkSnow1337 -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/2/2013 18:20:49)

I'd support this if you (accidentally) tried to close out the tab and got the message

ReconnaisX -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/2/2013 20:42:29)


cool preston -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/2/2013 20:46:36)


Cant tell you how many times I left A battle cause y mouse spa zed.

theholyfighter -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/3/2013 11:35:03)

Never expected to have so many responses to this one [8|]

I'm not the only one having trouble with mistaken loses! [:D]

Soul of Shadow -> RE: "Are you sure you want to leave?" (4/3/2013 16:29:41)

Fully supported.

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