RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 14:06:54)

So are you telling that without the battle screen statistic, you're clueless about what happened in the match ?? That is who did more damage, blocked etc ??

It might be helpful for Devs to look into, but for players, I don't think so..

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 15:45:46)

Hmm, not quite what the intention of the battle report is, it is just for fun.

Maybe you should take a break?

Sipping Cider -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 20:00:14)

Very nice idea indeed! How about most wraithful(whomever gained more total rage)?

cool preston -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 21:10:54)

@sipping cider

eveyrtime I look at that name I think of Apple cider lol

SouL Prisoner -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 21:13:04)


Maybe you should take a break?


XapApp -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 22:17:29)

This suggestion will also be helpful to the EpicDuel World Records.

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