SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (4/1/2013 17:37:45)
I hope they make the character selection easier to organize. Instead of having every character clumped up together Nulgath should use the box method like in pokemon how there is different boxes and you can name each box, for example I would make a box for each stage in oversoul, apprentice, veteran, master, legendary, and I would make a Favorites box for the characters I use most often. Nugath can make this and charge SGs for more boxes and more spaces in each box. This way we can profit and so can Nulgath and the game. It can be OverSoul's version of storage like the other AE games. [:)] EDIT: The only flaw I see with my idea right now is the fact that Nulgath and the team would have to limit the spaces for each box but with all the characters out already and people probably have them all then maybe my idea wouldn't be good because they might not be able to make enough space for free like the other games. Like If they wanted to give us say 5 boxes and 30 spaces per box to start with. That would mean we could only have 150 characters and there is more then that in OverSoul currently. And Nulgath can't hand out free spaces and boxes so that will be a problem if they considered this idea. Please give me feedback and tell me if you see any other flaws in my idea, thank you!