That's the way to do it. (Full Version)

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kaiseryeux21 -> That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 3:53:50)

i hope the dev's now figure out how to make this game more exciting. As simple as more drops, more rewards, and more reason to play PVP again. The egg hunt event is one example. The reward is not really that valuable but we can see a lot of players back to PVP again for the very least reason of "Eggs". This game needs a little spice, a little excitement. Lets face it and i know majority of the players will agree to me, battling NPC for an hour makes it really boring. We need some extra reward or drop from PVP battles, not just 32 credits we earned (with the exception of influence and token/s) after a HARD FOUGHT battle. I hope the dev's could implement rewards and drops on the next update.

It's me, Loyti

Scyze -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 4:13:01)

Well, I dedicated a whole day challenging NPCs and I got bored a lot. Its the Credits you get, it differs in the situation of the battle you were in. In short battles, 32 Credits is fine. However, in long battles, its too small. That's why I suggested " Credit Drops" which seemed to be popular for a small crowd.

I enjoyed the Egg Hunt and I am hoping to see more of this. Its a great feature and a very tough thing towards the end. It would be awesome if we could keep one of each kind of egg.
Yes, we need more Missions where we get good rewards. The Egg Hunt in my mind is considered as a goal/ target. Once you get the 50 eggs, you get yourself an Achievement along with a few things. We need a lot of these so people bother to play PvP battles.

My personal goal was to reach Emperor before Christmas and I was using a 5 Focus build as a Tactical Mercenary. It was a slow progress with a high win ratio. Eventually I made my goal and then stopped the 200+ wins a day. If I had more targets, I would've gotten probably over 35,000 1v1 wins by now.

I don't know if this Hunt was planned or sort of copied from AQW but it doesn't matter. We had fun and some people are still having fun trying hard to finish.
Its things like this that makes you keep on going even if you keep losing due to luck. Hopefully, the Developers understand that things like this makes people play longer. It may be hard to think of, design and put it in-game but it can be done!

Unfortunately, this will more likely be my last year since I'm going to a private school which will probably block access to games. [:@]

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 4:18:32)

^^ agree with you. things like this makes players more excited to play. It gives you motivation since you want to achieved something. I think its not really hard to implement a reward system. Let's say a miscellaneous items as PVP drop which you can assemble to gain a specific weapon or core. I think this is better rather than giving codes which a lot of players are complaining due to time zones, work etc. I guess by having this, players which are really playing hard can be able to obtain it.

Leprechaun -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 5:31:41)

Yes, this is the best release I ever played. I only need one last bunny egg. This hunt also gives you achievment and rewards! When I finish it I will only need 10k credits for a bunny bot :D

Baydraze -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 5:33:21)

I agree with the egg hunt, its ways fun to drop something, thats why many players played in delta and are now back for the egg hunt. ED is missing the "surprise" and fun effect. I think there should be more suggestions implementes but the most important thing for the.devs is to find a way to get way more players.
At the ED website around 20.000 people liked epicduel via facebook. Now there are maybe only around 3000 active players. What is the reason so many people play aqw and not ed?

RageSoul -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 5:55:23)

^Simple : everyone can enjoy equally in terms of things like farming .


The way the Devs put the "Fun" is in this format :

Start ---> farming phase ---> FUN

But it should rather be this instead :

Start ---> FUN during farming phase ---> moar FUN!

This way , it's actually worth doing something more frequently and thus more players .

Charfade -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 9:17:37)


At the ED website around 20.000 people liked epicduel via facebook. Now there are maybe only around 3000 active players.

I just point out not everyone who play's ED also has a FB account. And out of those that play ED AND have A FB account, not all of them has hit the like button. So if you are basing your active player count on a FB like status... I think you might be under estimating your numbers by... mmm alot.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 9:40:35)


Yup, there are reasons why people do not go on FB.

I used to go on it, but not anymore because of a problem a long time ago....

How ever I do go on twitter ;D

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 21:24:09)

i guess the issue here is not about the quantity of players that played this game, this is about the number of players who are having fun and enjoying this game. We may have many players on the board all the time, but the thing is, are they really playing PVP?? perhaps others are just logged on but are not really doing anything.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 22:05:18)

well this update certainly made players happy since there are lots of rewards, the devs would most likely come up with more releases like this in the future.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 22:35:54)

yes yes, releases like this will make players happy in the future. But we can't deny the fact that we are urgently needing PVP drops and rewards. i guess this is not asking too much. A simple battle drops which can be sold for a decent amount of credits is not really that huge. This is just a good start to motivate players to play PVP instead of battling NPCs. after all, this game is about PVP, not PVE.

edwardvulture -> RE: That's the way to do it. (3/31/2013 23:14:44)

except everyone is a 5 bonus BH and other builds need to rely on luck to win

Thylek Shran -> RE: That's the way to do it. (4/1/2013 4:48:04)

Its not a sign of a healthy pvp system that only events that force you to pvp
if you want to access the rewards can increase the number of players doing pvp.
I think that such events and missions are a bit annoying as long as the pvp
system is that unfair because of serious game balance issues.

Missions like get xx or xxx wins give advantage to 1vs1 duels. So does the egg
hunt as the chance to get an egg seems to be the same for all duel modes.
Good for characters that can make strong 1vs1 builds but bad for characters
that cannot or dont want to play 1vs1 because of all those OPed promo item
characters. 2vs2 duels should give double win points while Jugg wins should give
a 50% chance for 1 or 2 win points in missions (factor 1.5).

I would also like it if NPCs could drop eggs. The drop rate could be just 30%
compared to 1vs1 because NPCs are mostly easier and faster to defeat.
So if pvp has a 40% drop rate for eggs, NPCs of the same level could have
a 12% drop rate. NPCs that are lower than 5 levels of the character should not
drop eggs at all.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: That's the way to do it. (4/1/2013 5:48:12)

im having a hard time getting the egg drops because of issues on crits, blocks and deflections. But over-all, the epic egg hunt is a success from a players point of view. Atleast some players are doing its best to win a certain battle, instead of just pounding NPCs which is really really boring. After all, some players including myself likes real challenge. being able to beat someone with the advantage of new promo's, unique cores etc. seems fulfilling. I can say this event is a good start to bring back the good old days of playing PVP. More drops, more rewards, players are happy, the dev's got many players.

ReconnaisX -> RE: That's the way to do it. (4/1/2013 19:04:22)

Well, I have been balancing my ED time more with Minecraft ever since the update, as it is fun. After all, it's a freaking egg hunt.

kosmo -> RE: That's the way to do it. (4/2/2013 3:14:57)

I really liked the egg hunt and I m sure other players enjoyed it too because servers are full.Since Omega people is asking for more contnent tied up to pvp.I personally hope that the devs will bring out new things evry update like mission drops, rewards, competitions, a new arcade sistem, etc...

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: That's the way to do it. (4/2/2013 4:05:29)

I wasn't going to start playing again at least until I got a new laptop... I just didn't want to miss the egg hunt

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