TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Nerf Shadow Arts (4/1/2013 7:12:17)
One more thing I want to talk about is the number of Passive's the three types of classes (Merc, Hunter, Mage) have. Both Mages and Mercs only have two Passive's (Mercs: Adrenaline, Hybrid Armor; Tact. Mercs: Reroute, Mineral Armor; Tech Mages: Reroute, Deadly Aim; Blood Mages: Bloodlust, Deadly Aim) as well as Bounty Hunters who have Bloodlust and Shadow Arts. Cyber Hunters on the other hand have three Plasma Armor, Static Charge and Shadow Arts. As a veteran Epic Duellist, Passive's have proven to be of utmost importance to builds and the strength of these skills are deadly. What more could a build be deadlier if Shadow Arts is one of them. lol, static charge is not a passive XD and no shadow arts is the least reliable passive compared to deadly aim, bloodlust, reroute or the passive armors, just imagine if bounty hunters replace SA with deadly aim or cyber hunters replace SA with mineral armor, do you have any proof that SA builds are deadly? SA is easy to counter, you just have to plan your moves and try your best to not continuously use blockable moves, because no-one is dumb enough to continuously strike a target when they have shadow arts and you have also been smoked.