All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/1/2013 22:52:32)

How about make Venom Strike usable with a sword? It could increase build diversity I guess.

Increase the damage and lower the energy cost on Plasma Grenade to make it more appealing as an offensive skill rather than a last resort of luck

Static could be an exact copy of assimilate ( so they swap effects) So Cybers have a more decent way to regain energy

Replace Massacre with new Ultimate skills

Mother1 -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/1/2013 23:03:44)

1 supported they buffed stun grenade plasma grenade should get one as well.

2 not supported. they would have EMP and static to drain. Plus assimalate now is more OP then the original static. If they got this CH would become OP once again.

3 supported but with what?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/1/2013 23:06:40)

Oh sorry, for the assimilate/static swap I was think that Cyber would not drain any energy, just gain some, so it would still act a little like static.

Mother1 -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/1/2013 23:09:28)

You mean make it scale with strength like Assimilation?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/1/2013 23:13:09)

Yea thanks for putting some words in my mouth.....erm keyboard

Yes static will scale with strength to have a set number of energy points gained (not draining any of the opponent's). But otherwise having the same effect.

aurther13th -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 2:07:03)

on the static skill i would say not supported. for one because then str builds would be op. first off with static being a percentage you cant just rely on static due to the fact that the opponent could have high resistance, thus making it pointless. but if you have a support and str focus build then you can still gain a decent amount of energy, i gain about 6-8 every time i land. where with a str focused build they would be getting like 16+ which imo is way to much seeing how they also have the emp which drains energy as well.

Ranloth -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 5:45:25)

Venom is made for claws. You're giving CHs and BHs even bigger advantage of using a Sword with no penalty (since very few skills will be locked; CS and Massacre only, both you can forgoe). Not mentioning it'd likely need rebalancing (it's received damage boost recently) as well as change of animation, completely.

Faisal1234567890 -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 11:12:53)

support the venom because tactical can use poison with sword

Ranloth -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 11:14:32)

Why would you need a Sword to throw a Grenade? Toxic deals 3 damage, whilst Venom deals 85% damage + 2 less DoT than Toxic, so it will end up stronger if it lands.

drekon -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 14:57:48)

How about this?

- Release a new weapon (Claw) with the Venom Strike as it's Active Core, but it only does 5 damage each time for 3 turns.
- Replace the Venom Strike skill with a newer, more appealing, skill.

ReconnaisX -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/2/2013 14:58:47)


It still should be some variant of poison, though.

DA BOSS IS HERE -> RE: All my Cyber suggestions in this thread (4/5/2013 3:24:12)

What will the Ultimate Attack instead of Mas Be

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