RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:03:43)

People wasted several hours of their lives before the time of SG boosts to get to level 20 twice on one character, so they would not think it's silly to be upset that all their wasted time means nothing and people will be able to go from level 20 master to level 20 legendary immediately after they worked so hard.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:05:28)

Guys NO! It's not that way. If you had a veteran level 20 to evolve into a master, it would just take away the EXP needed from 1-10 and the remaining exp would be converted into levels. Legendary would still go down to level one

Redingard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:07:46)


We always knew that. Maybe The Jop didn't, but I did. So why direct that at me? o_0


I'd train Skexis to level 20, since it's getting some evolutions *cough*never*cough*. And saying "Guys NO" means everyone.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:08:17)

Oh, okay. Still silly though, why would you want to level up a veteran which is harder to train in most cases instead of a master?

He didn't direct that at anyone.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:08:36)

But hey have you guys seen the Home post or update no release this week....

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:09:11)

@Redin I didn't direct it to you? O.o.
@TheJop Skexis fiend is a fun character and I would level it to 20 if that thing was in game. But it isn't.
EDIT:@Redin He will get his evo along with VK, when OS turns one year! Probally September when Stress test happened.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:17:20)

I am sure this will happend but i will do it anyway si think they might one day give Big Ben and evolution ,but i thought of it if that ever happends i will just train another rat to evolve..

Hakunin -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:28:25)

Well, as the game is still only in beta-phase.
Instead of the weekly content add, it is more important to reach closer to the release-version.

The fact they missed 2 holiday-occassion, AND skip the second week without any release does sound bad, but they know too if they want players they have to keep deadlines as much as possible and release quality-content.

Anyway, I still have to find some HTF bodies, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to occupy myself. And lvlup my Earth Fairy [:D]

Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:33:59)

I don't mind them putting it off another week. Gives me more time to pursue hitting gold cap.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 18:45:38)

i was thinking on the a pass time game while i wait for the new release this week so i decided to do some fun mental math game with the cards.
The Game i call it Sum up
you add the total amount of damage in a character.
attack cards are attack cards just add those

Dot cards take time so subtract 5 damage from each do card and add that to your sum(you do this cause durring that turn you could have more likely do 4 energy attack for 5 damage

ad shields equal minus damage so subtract 5 for ervey is an ice or earth deck you add all the shields like Frost lion is 15 then shields total then you turn those into damage cause it contains ice orb limiti is 20 damage and crush limit is 8 damage so if is like barbian who has 1 ice orb and and bunch of shiedls you add those shield then subtract 20 from all those

special buff cards like empower or incenarate you subtract 1 damage from the total damage or 2 damage depending on the lowest attack card.if is might or b lessed strike you just add 3 damage to the sum

then you get your results i will start out with my Rat deck.
unblockable 3+
empower 3+-1
3 shields 15-
poison 12+-5
3 attack 2 that is 6+
4 attack 1 that is 4 +

My rat Sum up is 3+3+12+6+4-(15+5+1)
34+21=13 So my rat Damage Deck after everything is 13.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 19:09:29)

@ Above
try going back and reading the other pages before this one we already know.

True if you consier if thye didn't work this now all we would still be getting are new charatcters and nothing else example easstrer and april fools.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 19:12:40)

Finally, no more filler releases! Thank you Nulgath! now the serious updates can get rolling. Those side releases were holding them back and they finally realized it! [:D]

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 19:54:34)


Not that I know of. I guess through endless Twitter whining in the future it might. x)


Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 19:58:34)

what a shame, I would have liked an option to use a molted/skeletal hand. Now THAT would be sweet.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 21:21:32)

Ahh Pokemon White 2 is so much fun! Just got schooled by Clair in the championships but I don't care [8D]


so moving forward, we should be able to introduce new card types into the game with minimal trouble.

This is what I am talking about. [:)]

EDIT: There are currently 45 cards available to play with (excluding the default cards) and 172 characters in game. This ratio must change! CC here I come! ! !

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 21:52:36)

Okay I'm confused

Are we getting a release tomorrow?

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:04:07)

@Cyber: No.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:25:07)

Where did it say that we were not getting a release could u quote it

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:28:39)

@Cyber Here it is.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:31:52)

The homepage has the latest information...

Anyways, this update is fine. Seeing as most of the work belongs to Warlic: Do you think Nulgath can spend some time making new skins for the hands (Seeing as people's main gripe are the hands. Not that I'm saying ready for next week (Seeing as this puts more work to put each skin in the game, then make a system that lets players change their skins), but I think it would be nice if Nulgath addressed people's issue with the hands.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:39:12)

What if different hands are part of the games' unlockables? It would be nice to own a pair of ghostly hands rewarded to me from a quest or something. Interface customization. . .is it even possible?

the warden -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 22:57:21)

:) I have all the orcs now, just got pillager, now for that orc rouge...
BJEBLE: thank you:)

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 23:01:00)

@warden yay, congrats[:D]

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 23:08:35)


Well i was fixing and getting borring of the Present RNG anyways when i heard new battle engine i was like sweet a New puzzle everything has now been solved and cover All my theories were facts and i am pretty sue naything i mention has been cover my Porffesional team of players who helped me gather the info i needed wich i tahnk you guys in summary the Card RNG i already solved no particular card can be really established is position(BEcause their are many time more then 1 card example 2 attack 2) BUT the Draws always come out like i expect them with the right carrds althought some time shte particular cards can be already established when it will ber eceive after all their is only 1 card of those so by using the following works i have gather i am able to find my next empower my next poison or things like that in my draws and be able to be energy efficiant AND SO I CREATED THE MAXZ STORM NO MORE USING CHARGES as a way to GET ENERGY I KNOW WHEN I WILL GET ENERGIZE ANd only have to charge until my energize appear most of the time 0 times of charge i get 1 energize my 1st turn by arrenging the card of my previous match to make my last turn card of 4th turn my inative cards....

For those of you who care TO NOT READ ALL TTHAT wich i higly recommend i will summaries that with 3 points.
*labyth is right*
*Thank you to those player that helped with gathering information and testing myresearch as well as supporitng it*
*AND the RNG system has been solved as far as it could be*(after all i been told cannot do anything regarding maniulation)

And as last i am looking forward to the comming soon of the NEW ENGINE meaning new puzzle for Labyth Brain i been getting Bored so i been heading to aqw to take care of things.AND FOR THE RECORD KNOWING WERE YOUR CARD or the things ou want are at and how many turns away things are is very depresing.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 111 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/4/2013 23:10:02)

@Cyber doom5: It is only me so far that is blaming the filler releases. Also, you cut out everything but you forgot to add what we would have gotten in place of them. BR, CC, and even ER would have been implemented. Who knows how much free time they would have exactly gotten? They would not have lost any money at all because the game itself would have been much more complex with everlasting satisfaction until other releases start making there way and so forth.

@Labyth: I am so proud of you really! You have seriously come so far! Congrats!

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