Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 10:52:10)

When your partner leaves, loses early, or simply disconnects when you really need them, you are pitted in a situation that is difficult to manage.

The proposed solutions were namely to create NPCs or control the partner. But those propositions are all time-consuming for Titan and Rabblefroth, hazardous for security, but most importantly not practical even in theory. Why? Creating an NPC that matches your partner requires you to add a new graphic to the battle mid-fight and expect it to continue where your partner left off. NPCs have no brains, so it will ultimately be a failure as support. How is an NPC supposed to be so dynamic as to copy their skill tree and use it too? If the NPC is even 1 point different from the partner of late, the battle becomes imbalanced for or against you. And controlling your partner... when you log into EpicDuel you are meant to use only your Artix Account. Yes, the player's character in-game is but a generated copy of themselves not exactly the player's account, though who opts to borrow someone's character anyways? Is that not account-sharing even if for 1 battle? And when you input your commands into their character are you not tampering with their account content? I prefer this option to NPC spawning, but only slightly. The largest problem with both of these offers is that it makes a large problem out of someone disconnecting when it is not. Disconnect at the correct time and an enemy might lag losing their turn. I do not prefer these methods as they are much too overblown.

The problem is this: your partner disconnects. You lack the usual 2 units on a team and so you lack their talent but also their time.

The solution is this: your partner's turns become your turns. The turn order should alternate between red vs blue each turn even if someone loses within 2 turns of a battle just starting. Losing in 2V2 handicaps the already overpowered (used in the correct context here) team allowing them to over-damage you just because your team is now your team minus 1.

More in-depth detail is this: the solo player's turns are still equivocal to the standard time. What does this mean? Just because a player is going solo, does not mean that each of their turns counts as 1 whole turn. No, if they receive their partner's turns, they still act as if time was moving steadily.

So if a player in 2V2 happens to be stranded, their turns are as seen:

A (B is A's partner but he/she disconnected)

But each of A's turns do not count as a normal turn, each of A's turns count as half of a turn. Otherwise being solo could be abused. Otherwise on every "normal turn", A could use Double Strike (chronologically there would be no cooldown).

The time advantage is restored, but the cost of a teammate still exists.

(yes I did mention this plan before if you wished to ask)

Comments, suggestions, questions?

Mother1 -> RE: Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 11:14:44)

Depressed I have to ask would this happen if they disconnect at the beginning of the battle, or for anytime they disconnect?

If it is for both then not supported. I can see this being extremely abused especially by some players who are don't mind taking a loss or don't care. Say if the jug is about to KO one of his opponents. That opponent can easily disconnect and boom the other person will get 2 turns which will put the juggernaut at a disadvantage. If the system could tell the difference between a runner and an actual disconnect 100% of the time I could understand. However The system as it is now can't do so, and with this your idea for trying to help players who have been disconnected can be abused like this.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 11:16:39)

please change the font i find i quiet difficult to read.
Well it is better than nothing BUT cool downs, energy, and yes even hp are those what gives you dissadvantage.

It is difficult to explain but ill try my best.
You are player (a) Opp is player (b)

(a) Malfs someone
(b) Uses an energy shield
(a) cannot malf again (His partner could)
And your Mana goes down 2x as fast also Cooldowns I use my aux and in next turn my partner could use his/her aux but you cant.
So it is not perfect but better than nothing!

Stabilis -> RE: Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 13:28:16)

I improve suggestions so I will be taking your feedback to adopt this (granted not all feedback will be useful), so:


I have to ask would this happen if they disconnect at the beginning of the battle, or for anytime they disconnect?

This happens the moment in 2V2 when someone loses or disconnects. Anytime a team of 2 becomes a team of 1.


I can see this being extremely abused especially by some players who are don't mind taking a loss or don't care.

I find it cute that someone in EpicDuel would throw the match so their partner alone would claim all of the spoils unless they were their friend! Harharharharhar!


Say if the jug is about to KO one of his opponents.

As of yet this does not apply to Juggernaut because Juggernaut is specifically designed around a 2V1 battle mode.


Please change the font i find it quite difficult to read.

I like Tempus font but I do agree that the print on each letter is very... thin. I bolded everything but I made anything that needs to stand out underlined. Wish this helps.


Well it is better than nothing BUT cool downs, energy, and yes even hp are those what gives you dissadvantage.

Which is true because you lose all of your partner's health, all of your partner's energy, and all of your partner's skills. I could have based this suggestion around boosting your character if they are alone but with the chance of abuse from running, keeping the characters the way they were would be easier to analyze in a side-by-side comparison of teams so that no team would be imbalanced.


(a) Malfs someone
(b) Uses an energy shield
(a) cannot malf again (His partner could)

Wait, do you mean Malfunction on the guy that just used Energy Shield? If not then I understand completely but if you mean Malfunction on the guy who is shielded that is not allowed.


And your Mana goes down 2x as fast also Cooldowns I use my aux and in next turn my partner could use his/her aux but you cant.

On the contrary, because I stated that time is limited to real-time, cooldowns change at the same speed so you would still be using energy at about the same rate. I cannot simply balance 1 character to 2 characters on another team equally because it favours 1 member to 2 members. So although I do try to make compromises for the solo player they should still be at a disadvantage, just not at the mercy of being "double-teamed" when fighting with 2 enemies.

Much appreciated for the feedback, I will continue to improve this suj.

Mother1 -> RE: Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 13:46:34)

I see so I misread the title. I thought you were talking about Juggernaut mode not 2 vs 2. However I am still hesitant to support this since the system can't tell the difference between a runner and a disconnect even though to us we can tell the difference like night and day.

Cause my worry with this is that if one player is about to get knocked out, and they don't care about the rewards and just leave before they die (which does happen since it has happened to many of us) the other person will get two turns because their partner ran and the system can't tell the difference.

But I have another question to ask as well. Say if said person who is now fighting 2 players because his partner disconnected or got Ko'ed finished off one of the members of the other team. Will they still be getting their partner's turn and what about the remaining person on the other team? Will this apply to them as well, or will it go back to them getting one turn each?

Stabilis -> RE: Easy 2V2 Solution for the "Juggernaut" Scenario (4/3/2013 14:04:52)


However I am still hesitant to support this since the system can't tell the difference between a runner and a disconnect even though to us we can tell the difference like night and day.

I understand that we should be handling running and disconnecting specially, but although they are different causes they still maintain the same effect in 2V2.


The other person will get two turns because their partner ran and the system can't tell the difference.

You carry an interesting topic here. What I am imagining is a player on a team about to deal the deathblow to an enemy but the target leaves before action finishes (or even starts), and the player that was about to act technically loses their turn, possibly a 1-use skill. This is a problem even if the deathblow was designed to KO the target. But because it never came to completion it was activated in vain (it was used on "nothing"). For this specific circumstance, I would be alright with allowing the current player's turn to reset (the timer and move used) so when a run does happen, the victim of the run is no longer a victim. Other than that I see no massive problem here.


Will they still be getting their partner's turn and what about the remaining person on the other team? Will this apply to them as well, or will it go back to them getting one turn each?

The turn order when a 2V2 becomes a 2V1 which then becomes a 1V1 is equivalent to the turn order of 1V1. So in other words it returns "back to normal".

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