l Chop Suey l -> Reduce the number of stun turns or free moves? (4/3/2013 18:05:22)
Im not sure if anybody complained about this but I had this problem ever since delta until now but I'm sure you guys had encountered it as well.In juggernaut when an enemy strikes you with stun grenade or overload charge you have the chance of being stunned.What strikes me the most is the number of free turns the guys that are facing the juggernaut that can last especially in a juggernaut battle once I get stunned.I believe the lower levels have figured out a tactic once the juggernaut gets stunned,one of the enemies can use the first free move to their advantage by helping their ally or wasting a turn.After that they had the extra 2 free moves to kill the jugg in the process all in a total of 3 moves and I couldn't land an counterattack against them and was almost dead.The free moves should not last that long against a juggernaut which is simply unfair.