I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (Full Version)

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Elloisoul -> I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/4/2013 23:19:58)

I think it would be cool if theres a core like that so i can just keep using aux/gun the whole battle without worrying about blocks and stuff

=ED= Skill Cores Suggestions

Use that thread instead. Locked. ~Mecha

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/4/2013 23:23:15)

eh no, just no, this would be a game breaking core

think about it, strength abuse bloodmages can keep using their gun stacked with deadly aim, same goes for techmages
support abuse merc, techmage, tactical merc, cyber hunter can keep using their high damage aux

strongly not supported.

Reki -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 0:19:46)

Trizzz pretty much covered it, not supported what so ever.

Hzchato120 -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 2:59:46)

definetly not supported. Imagine a 100+ support build with no end. Everyone would go support

odsey -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 3:01:21)

@hzcato You could still use yeti, but not supported.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 3:24:54)


Mother1 -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 4:09:54)

Not supported. This would Overpower support and strength builds. Especially The Mage and Merc classes since Mages Have Deadly aim, and the merc's have artillery strike.

Coolkid1999 -> RE: I core that makes ur aux/gun have no cool down (4/5/2013 8:50:59)

Supported! I Would Win Every Game With My 189 Support Build (Tactical Mercenary) (85 Multi Damage)

Edit: Wait? So Would Everybody Else? NOT SUPPORTED!

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