Penetrating bullets/Missile core (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Elloisoul -> Penetrating bullets/Missile core (4/4/2013 23:31:42)

This passive core gives ur aux or gun an 15% chance of ignoring mineral/plasma/hybrid armor effect when shooting

=ED= Skill Cores Suggestions

Use that thread instead. Locked. ~Mecha

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Penetrating bullets/Missile core (4/4/2013 23:34:07)

Not supported

This core would only be usefull against 2 classes

Anyway that's what rage and crits are for :p

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Penetrating bullets/Missile core (4/5/2013 3:28:47)

@Noobernaut Fusion
At 3*
and not supported we already have ennough luck.

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